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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I wish this were true, but I don't think Republicans give a shit.
  2. I have MHW, I just can't play it due to the circumstances of my life. I've said this multiple times. Switch is great because it allows me to play games. Without it, I wouldn't be able to play anything at all. Not even on PC.
  3. You won't find an argument from me about the state of middle-eastern theocracies and homosexuality. What you will find an argument on from me is whether or not Christianity is in any way shape or form "better" for homosexuals. It's not. Just look at the records of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and you'll find plenty to contend with. The only difference here is that Christianity had 400 more years to evolve. Don't believe for a second that it has learned to accept you for the manner in which you were born. It'll throw your ass under the bus the moment it becomes socially acceptable to
  4. Don't walk into that trap, Cook.
  5. I'm imagining you streaming your games to a laptop, sitting on a couch with a usb controller and headset, laughing maniacally at how the sheep have been owned, thinking your solution is more convenient.
  6. It plays just as well. More importantly I can actually play the game because when you have a family, you simultaneously lose the television and have to get up to tend to a baby, which is pretty hard to do mid-hunt in MHW. It's painfully easy on Switch. Calm your tits, Ramza.
  7. Yeah, and? It's the proportions that matter.
  8. Now we get to hear about this game for the next 12 months until the next Forza game hits.
  9. A good porter or a stout. But if we're talking a cocktail, the a Cuba Libre. A good one, not one you get at jo-schmo bar. In fact, here's the fucking recipe right here since apparently no bar knows how to make one: 1/2 lime squeezed into a glass 1 shot of a white rum 1/2 cup of coca cola drop 4 ice cubes You're welcome.
  10. Ike, don't bother arguing with racists. They can't be reasoned out of a position that they didn't reason themselves into. EDIT: Deeno so racist even Aza is disavowing.
  11. Thanks god Deeno's here to defend white nationalist talking points: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_B._Spencer#White_identity
  12. Deeno knows why, he just hates that ladies. And black people. And Mexicans. And brown people under the guise of hating muslims. Being a piece of shit to own the libs.
  13. Or how the mean old Democrats, who had all the power despite controlling none of the branches of government, where just unfairly picking on sweet, innocent Trump.
  14. If we survive this administration, which i am optimistic that we will, Deeno's fee-fees are going to be hurt by how much shit comes out against his favorite daddy president.
  15. Not entirely correct, but close enough for you. What does that tell you about the economic viability of HFCS?
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