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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I played through Fable: TLC on steam earlier this year and it holds up surprisingly well for a broken-ass, linear, short, shallow game with a terrible storyline. It's just so goddamned charming.
  2. They used to have Fable. Too bad they never made and sequels to that one.
  3. As much as I want to say TLHBO, this game runs like shit on everything and isn't even that pretty. Obvi the dev's fault.
  4. They come with online multiplayer if that floats your boat.
  5. 20 NES games and the ability to play all the games that you've been playing online going forward. That's it. I'm serious.
  6. Deservedly so. It's not a great game, at all, but it is a great experience. If that makes sense.
  7. Depends on the player. The gameplay isn't...great, but it's unique, and the story is confusing as fuck. That being said, it has one of the best twists towards the end in any game I've ever played. EDIT: Also, playing through Killer 7 makes the fake No More Heroes ending even better.
  8. Hope this doesn't just go to PC. No reason it can't release on PS4/Switch/lmaoXbonelmao.
  9. Because there are only two, maybe three real lemmings left to pick on: you, Deeno, and Spicoli, and Spicoli is boring. So it's you and Deeno. I flip a coin. You're tails, btw.
  10. Then you should rephrase, 'cause that's not what it sounded like you said when you responded to Cookster.
  11. No, it's been happening for months now. The anti-cheat when in a few weeks ago. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/08/nintendo_appears_to_have_finally_added_an_anti-cheat_system_to_splatoon_2 Literally all the service does is lock the multiplayer behind a paywall. That's it. It's not adding any additional hurdles for cheaters to get over that we know of.
  12. Making up stories in your head to justify what the actual data says. OK, this ain't going anywhere; can't argue with delusion any more than you can make Slow Johnny smart.
  13. Somebody's gotta do it. We have to cull the sheep herd on account of the overpopulation from all the lemmings they're devouring.
  14. The person who had the strongest desire isn't the person who doesn't want to play the system, slick.
  15. I got you to move on the "bu bu teh switch iz 4 teh babies". You can't move back. I already won, son.
  16. I said the site that was linked is a right-wing version of Salon and Jezebel, not that Salon and Jezebel are right-wing sites. Goddamn, son.
  17. Doesn't surprise me. The biggest problem right now with PUBG and Fortnite is the performance and polish. Every time an update comes out, shit gets broken or performance tanks to shit and back. I'd much rather a BR experience that gets updated less often, but runs consistently well, than one that gets updated weekly, but runs like shit every other week.
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