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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. If only there were another beloved franchise that had been fully rebooted this year that we could compare it to. Oh...oh, Deeno, noooo...
  2. ...Yup, that's about what I expected: a right-wing Jezebel or Salon.
  3. Goddamnit, Kaz, you fucking beat me to it: Also, obligatory:
  4. When switch passes up the Xbone in LTD sales, are you going to cry? I bet you'll avoid the thread.
  5. 2shits. Scoreboard: PS4 199kSW 205kXB1 165k3DS 72k
  6. It's going to take decades. America won't get this until the infrastructure is there, and the infrastructure won't be there so long as ISPs control the legislation through lobbying and campaign donations. It sure as shit won't happen so long as a fucking ex-Verizon lawyer is in charge of the FCC.
  7. Numbers don't lie, Deeno. PS4 199kSW 205kXB1 165k3DS 72k
  8. Check the scoreboard: PS4 199kSW 205kXB1 165k3DS 72k
  9. The only reason, and I mean the only goddamned sole reason, you believe this is because Switch is beating your favorite console's ass into the ground, and it's about to get a whole lot worse when Smash and Pokemon drop.
  10. Can we just make an "Official SJW Hate" thread? 'Cause if we don't, I'm going to start making new threads for literally every single goddamned thing Trump does. I'll just copy/paste them from /r/politics. No more sticking to the politics thread; it's gonna be a liberal bukkake. @Alphonse @Cookester15 @-GD- @Remij_ @Goukosan
  11. I give Fallout 3 a pass for bringing the series into 3D, but it certainly hasn't aged very well.
  12. You're right about the xbox. It's the difference between the haves and the have nots, respectively.
  13. It's not even a great Fallout game.
  14. Aren't you the guy that tried to claim ownage because Playstation didn't have the hardware capability to play movies? Yes. Yes you were.
  15. This post is underrated and you're all gigantic hemorrhoids for not upvoting it more.
  16. Some people just don't get it, mang. Ain't the end of the world.
  17. Can we all take a second to appreciate the fact that Aza was browsing /r/MGTOW?
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