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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Obviously your alphachad personality is just scaring her. Send her a dick pick.
  2. Not really fair considering they mulligan'd in the middle of it. Sony is the objective winner this gen. We can all agree that the lemcels lost.
  3. You know 8 Mile was loosely based on Eminem's life, right?
  4. Nah. Sheep survived 8.8, Lemcels can survive a 6.0. It's not even an exclusive, lol.
  5. I'd love to have a working copy of MCC on PC. 2shits about Halo 5, tho.
  6. I'm still saying it's coming. That's a far cry from begging; it's common sense. If I were saying it's coming to Switch, then I'd be begging.
  7. Wait, wait, wait... How are hermits begging for lemmings' games when they're going to get all of the lemmings' games going forward by default? Did you think this thread through, Slow Johnny?
  8. Nah, it's coming. It's just a matter of time. You don't announce that your entire future lineup is coming and leave the stuff you're currently working on behind.
  9. Only way I'm getting this is if they completely remove the arbitrary field skill checks. Shit straight up killed the exploration in the base game. If they wanted a skill check, then stick a level 80 monster in the way and be done with it; don't tell me i can't go there because of some obscure bullshit that i have to switch blades out for, pass the check, then switch the blades out again because fuck you. This is why Xenoblade 1 is infinitely better. Same exploration, no bullshit keeping you from exploring.
  10. Wouldn't work. People had more than one kid, they'd just kill or disown the girls. That's why there are a shitload more men than women in china. Dating there is basically a lottery for poor and middle class men. Better to educate provide a strong social safety net for your population to bring them out of poverty. Every country that does this has declining birthrates. The US would have a declining polulation if not for immigration.
  11. Deeno's the type of guy who's for equality so long as xbone is more equal than others.
  12. You're talking to a guy who thinks the moon landing was fake.
  13. McWicked


    With all the games that lemmings aren't buying, they've gotta have a leg up on getting their dicks sucked. Let's check in on them: ...Oh.
  14. Expected. Those non-matching yellow controllers are fucking with my eyes, though.
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