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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Go read Zodiac. Yeah, the eventually proved that the author's prime suspect was innocent, but goddamn if he didn't make a case for him.
  2. It's not even minorities in the traditional sense. If you're a straight white guy with ADHD they prolly have an option for you to include that. We got some seriously fragile snowflakes in this forum.
  3. Right wingers: "IT'S MENTAL HEALTH!!!" Left wingers: "THEN LET'S GET THEM ACCESS TO ADEQUATE MENTAL HEALTH CARE!!!" Right wingers: "NO THAT'S SOCIALISM!!!" The only right-wing answer to any problem facing us today is "let's do nothing, also the rich need more tax breaks."
  4. He doesn't need backup, and I don't always feel the need to prod you with questions until you find yourself defending an idea so bad that you just stop posting in the thread. For example, instead of prodding you in this thread with questions, I'll just tell you how it'd go: first I ask you what's wrong with this guy having a kid, then you'd feign concern for the child, then I'd ask you how this is any different than conservative faux-outrage for children raised by gay men, then you'd flounder for a bit, and eventually we'd land at a point where you could either admit that you were
  5. It's because he's authentic. He's not trolling, he truly believes this shit.
  6. Every time Deeno sees an open drawer, his immediate thought is "I'm going to stick my balls in that and slam it shut."
  7. Are you suggesting that Kaepernick is worth more than the league minimum, suggesting that the reason he was fired and not picked up was solely because he was a black man taking a knee during a song at a football game? 'Cause that's sure what it sounds like you're suggesting.
  8. League minimum is 250k/year, so I'd say he made out like a bandit.
  9. Which race and gender are you planning on being forced into choosing?
  10. Never knew game set match was waving a white flag.
  11. If you can explain to me how options in a character creator are "forced", i would fuckin' love to hear it, Cookie.
  12. This series was garbage for incels when it debuted on xbox and it's garbage now. But since it's an xbox series that is no longer on xbox, obligatory:
  13. No humans/animals in that trailer 'cause of dat der uncanny valley.
  14. I can see you're angry on account that I got you triple posting at me. The future is diversity. Welcome to the future, sweetie.
  15. Making up realities to retreat into to own the libs.
  16. Get used to diversity, sweeties, 'cause it's here to stay: Straight from EA's study on the matter: https://medium.com/@Electronic_Arts/what-inclusion-means-to-players-db4522bdd8a0 Dinosaurs not realizing they're going extinct yet.
  17. Ye old "bu bu you hatez urself!!! " defense that always pops up by fragile white guys when their fee-fees get hurt and someone points it out. I'm not the one being a whiny little bitch that a character creation screen has options.
  18. Look at all the fragile white guys who are appalled...APPALLED that someone somewhere is going to create a character that isn't a straight white male that they created for themselves.
  19. Change his faction back to lemming when you do it.
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