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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. We're not changing the standard just so you can finally have your "exclusive" (re: bu bu bu muh x1 resolution) Tomb Raider game. I'm sorry, Deeno.
  2. That doesn't stop the meta. That's why it's called the "meta". Posters are still going to put more stock in GS's scores. That's why they're posting on GS' forums. None of that really matters, considering that's just where this site spawned from. Our meta is GS. It has been every single time you've tried to challenge it, and it will be as long as this forum exists. Deal with it.
  3. https://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/ Uh huh.
  4. Can we add a "TLHBFR" option? GS has been the standard for 15 years now. The entire site is literally spawned off of a single forum from GS. That's where the name System Wars comes from. The only reason you're trying to pull this agreed upon standard now is because you keep getting owned by the standard that's been in place for years.
  5. Never played the original because GBA connectivity was stupid. Online makes it more interesting; was this any good?
  6. Because he didn't actively throw our entire country under a bus. And he gave tens of millions of Americans healthcare who didn't previously have it.
  7. Citizens United, allowing conservatives to have any say in the ACA at all, CIA gun running into Mexico, laughing at Romney when Romney said Russia was our greatest geopolitical foe, and going after whistleblowers. Boom, roasted. EDIT: oh, and not suing the fuck out of Bitch McConnell when he stole the SCOTUS seat.
  8. https://www.resetera.com/threads/halo-5-box-art-updated-now-console-exclusive.67479/ Halo 5 PC announcement imminent.
  9. I give him all kinds of credit that his supports never even mention. They don't mention the child separation policy. They don't mention all the indictments of his senior campaign staff. They don't mention the trade wars. They don't mention insanely high turnover rate of his cabinet. They don't mention that he's too scared to fire people face to face and has to resort to twitter. They don't mention that his son, son in law, and campaign manager met with Russian operatives and lied about it to the FBI. They don't mention his crazy rant on Fox and Friends. They don't mention th
  10. It's in the OP, slick. "He killed Bin Laden" followed by "NUH UH I DID".
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Investigation_into_the_2012_Benghazi_attack Ten investigations. 6 of them lead by Republican committees. Zero evidence found of scandal or cover-up by the Obama administration. Yeah, it was a bunch of conspiracy theorists wanting to see something that wasn't there.
  12. You gotta be some kind of super retarded to believe that Obama doesn't get credit for authorizing a mission to send Navy Seals into a country they're not supposed to be in to take out a target that official reports say isn't there.
  13. Streaming. If Deeno thinks this is ownage, I wonder what he thinks about RE7 Switch?
  14. Making Ciri brown doesn't give me faith in the show, but at this point I hope they make Geralt trans just to see you guys lose your shit over it.
  15. Switch - liberal with capitalist economic views accompanied with socialist safety nets.
  16. I'd take an HD port of Xenoblade Chronicles over this. I'd take an HD port of Xenoblade Chronicles over the real FFXV, too.
  17. The best part about this post is that it would be hilarious if said with irony, but since it's coming from Deeno, we know it wasn't said ironically.
  18. Xenoblade 1 or 2? 2 is slow until you get the combat down, which takes forever. 1 can't be described as slow by any sane person.
  19. The single player. The multiplayer introduced in Pandora Tomorrow was the best stealth game I had ever played up until MGSV dethroned it.
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