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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. It's a game I wanted to like, and at first I liked it, but the more I played the more indifferent i became to it. I can't remember a single fucking thing i did in that game other than riding ziplines.
  2. Sunset was OK. It got old about half way through, though, and I stopped playing. It was that game that I got an Xbone with while I waited for Halo MCC. Then Halo MCC released and was shit, and I sold that piece of shit xbone and never looked back. Feels good.
  3. Wii had some great exclusives games and sold pretty damn well. There's no measurable metric in which it was a failure. Wii U, on the other hand was pure sheep shearing. Incoming ass-blastathon from Deeno about how Wii U was totes a great console (it wasn't).
  4. This, probably. They'll expand on the multiplayer they've added to their NES titles.
  5. I hear Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 are OK.
  6. Spyro and DOOM Eternal are safe bets. Outside of that, it's a toss up. I'm not expecting anything that isn't tied directly to their online service launch. So Dark Souls, maybe something to do with their existing online games. I dunno. Honestly I got no fuggin' clue.
  7. I mean we may get a teaser for Bayo 3 and MP4, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Not really. It's Nintendo. When they say their online is cloud saves, multiplayer paywall, and some NES games, it's best to just take them at their word that that's all they've got.
  8. Expecting one last medium-level surprise annoucement, like a NSMB Deluxe or Mario Maker DX port. Other than that, they'll cover games with online that we already know are coming.
  9. Lemcels' next game is Forza. Their last game was Forza.
  10. Seen this guy's vegan videos. Dude's hilarious.
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/31/opinion/trump-birtherism-citizenship-texas.html They denying people who have birth certificates based on the fact that they're Latino and close to the border. Not that I'd expect you to be reasonable, given your land-mine defense plan. You're a twat, Deeno, and I'm too tired today to go down this road with you.
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/31/opinion/trump-birtherism-citizenship-texas.html They're taking away citizenship.
  13. Which one were you for? Slavery, apartheid, holocaust, armenian genocide...? All of the above?
  14. Yeah, not hearing that shit. That's the same bullshit they started with in America. Now they're denaturalizing US citizens. They've already started pulling "papers please" on people who have birth certificates. We know this song and dance. http://aldianews.com/articles/politics/immigration/immigrant-denaturalization-trump-administration-begins-denying
  15. Facism making a comeback world wide, it seems. Makes sense, given all of those instances in history where blaming a minority for your countries problems turned out to be the right decision.
  16. I'm switching between Mario + Rabbids and MHW currently. MHW has some jank to it, and the menu system is clumsy as fuck, but it's still Monster Hunter. Once I got into the flow of farming monsters for gear to farm bigger monsters for bigger gear, repeat, i got much more into the game. Mario + Rabbids is much better than it has any right to be. Just a charming little shit of a game. Looking forward to the DK DLC.
  17. @Cookester15, put this shit in the hall of shame!
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