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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. The next faction won't be centered around a system; it'll be centered around a service.
  2. Wii had Galaxy 1 & 2, No More Heroes 1& 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Red Steel 2, Monster Hunter Tri, and a shitload of other exclusives. It shat all over Wii U.
  3. Factions arose naturally. You can't really create them from the top-down or you'll get inane shit like "manticores".
  4. Put Ryan Coogler in charge after he does the Black Panther movies. XMen are an allegory of the civil rights movement with Dr. King on one side and Malcolm X on the other. Ryan Coogler is the perfect director to handle that type of material.
  5. Sure, Wii U flopped first, hard and fast. I've made my absolute disdain for the console very, very clear. But let's look at the facts: Wii U had actual exclusives. It still has a few that haven't been ported to Switch yet, and it had the goddamned common courtesy to die before its exclusive library got raided. The situation isn't really any different than PS3 -> PS4 ports, just on a shorter timeline. It's gone, it's forgotten, but it still has W101, SM3DW, and Pikmin 3. Until those get ported, anyway. Xbone on the other hand is giving its exclusives away for fr
  6. PS4's gonna stall and Switch is gonna drop like a rock, they said.
  7. All the ten year olds are on xbox live fuggin' yer mum.
  8. Today in "Shit Deeno figured out that everybody else has known for months", Deeno pretends just one guy told him so to mitigate the humiliation of everybody telling him so.
  9. Stick your face up this chicken's ass, you smarmy little shit.
  10. I wish I got to play my PS4 more.
  11. This is 100% true. Women are in high demand in IT in general, and in the subset of the game industry, competition for women is insanely high. This makes it painfully easy for women to get a few years experience, then just start hopping jobs for higher salaries.
  12. RT is just a measure of the percent chance that you'll like a movie, not how much you might like it, which people bitch about anyway because "teh critics got it wrong". I liked Glass a lot and apparently the critics thought it was shit, but they're shit.
  13. Do you remember trying to play online co-op through H1 and H2?
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