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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Screen is from a GBASP AGS 101 model. Installation was pretty easy. You have to cut some of the plastic inside the front of the case, and the screen requires an adapter ribbon based on the GBA model you're hooking it up to, but that's about it. There's another ribbon that gives you a brighter picture that requires soldering, but I fucked up and ordered the wrong one. The reason for modding this instead of just buying an SP is that GBASPs don't have headphone jacks, and the form factor is better on the original GBA. 10/10, would mod again. Probably will with an updated speaker
  2. The thing about typing "interest gone" is that you only have to do it once.
  3. BotW is going to be one of those games where people do a replay 5, 10, 15 years down the line.
  4. Even your imaginary insult scores are better than Sea of Shit, 5tate of Decay, and Crapdown 2.
  5. Because there isn't nearly enough real estate on the outside of a car to justify the price of the panels.
  6. Yeah, why are we talking about the Epic store, here? 8chan is a pedophile/incel/nazi haven. You gotta be 8 ways stupid to host an AMA there, or you're a regular. I doubt THQ is the former.
  7. Oh yeah, people forget that immediately following the "turn the frickin' frogs gay" soundbite, he started shilling for some testosterone replacement something or other. Did he have an NRA endorsement or something?
  8. That's how you know xbone is shitting the bed. Even Deeno is having a hard time rationalizing it anymore.
  9. Dude sicked his followers on the parents of murdered children. "I'm sorry Joe Rogan" doesn't quite cut it.
  10. Probably because he's getting sued into the ground for it.
  11. No she didn't. She said she didn't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell her what didn’t work for him about A Wrinkle in Time. I'm sorry she didn't explicitly spell out "because we already have a shitload of that", which the study she ordered backs her up on. I'm sorry if you feel offended that Brie wants minorities to be a part of her press tour.
  12. Being a fragile little bitch? Dude's spent the whole thread crying that Brie Larson wants a few black people on her Press Tour. Then he threatened the ban hammer. We didn't even ban people for making Hitler fan threads.
  13. I'm not. Because they've all flopped and the only one that didn't is a racing game and lmao racing games. But I am excited to gloat about it, pending an official announcement.
  14. Now we're just going full deja vu. We had this thread when the Wii was taking off and doing gangbusters. Switch actually sells 3rd party software, though, so it's a different ballgame. Ka is a wheel.
  15. This might fly if we had threads like this every time an unarmed black man got shot by the police here, but we don't. We only have threads when some white woman does a thing that makes fragile white guys feel more insecure. And then we hear excuse after excuse about how it's totally not what she's doing, it's that she's virtue signalling. It's 100% A-OK to do what she's doing, but she'd better not talk about it in an interview or she's going to hurt some fragile white guys' feelings, somewhere. Oh, I see. Now we've shifted away from what's wrong with Brie Larson's actions (n
  16. Pretty soon Brie Larson will be arrested for TERRORISM for registering black people to vote!
  17. I guess we're down to arguing whether or not this was a planned PR stunt because if we're arguing that, we don't have to argue about what's actually wrong with Brie Larson including minorities in her Press Tour, to which the answer is absolutely nothing.
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