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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. We're five pages in and the only argument that's be put forth is "but she'll offend fragile white guys."
  2. Seems to me your issue isn't with Marie Claire, but with Quad Damage for quoting Marie Claire on the forum. Allow me to vouche for him because, despite this thread being nothing more than a triggered white guy jerk off thread, Quad Damage is a master of the necro bump and him getting you upset is no reason to ban him.
  3. This is amazingly close to the exact same arguments Anita Sarkeesian used to critique video games.
  4. Why do you think that is? What there something that happened fairly recently prior to 2010 that could have caused a lot of white people to get ass-blasted in America? Surely there was something. I just can't quite put my finger on it.
  5. This is like when rural old white men complained about Caitlyn Jenner being shoved down their throats because she was on the cover of Vanity Fair. As if any of them gave a shit about Vanity Fair.
  6. Fragile white people being angered is the issue, here. Glad we can agree on that. Why are you, as a black person, concerned with the feelings of some white people who get buttmad at some white woman including minorities in her Press Tour?
  7. So your concern is that she's going to anger some fragile white guys by speaking publicly about it. Is that correct?
  8. Ye old "It's the fault of everyone who didn't vote for trump that he got elected!!!" defense. Any second now we're gonna hear the "i have a black friend" defense.
  9. Sounds like you're not mad that she did it, but you are mad about the way in which she did it. Is that about right? I miss anything, there?
  10. Brie Larson wanting to include people who aren't white dudes in her Press Tour = racist. White dudes still a part of it, she just wants some black people, or some Asian people, or some Latinas. Whatever. Cookie sees this and screams racism. He's so damn hysterical. Gillette really did a number on him.
  11. Cookie complaining about oppression Olympics while trying his damnedest to compete in the oppression Olympics.
  12. Guess we're not going to get an answer to that one, are we? EDIT: Edited to reflect the Whitaker defense.
  13. I noticed the frame pacing issues. But I love the style of this game. I'm not convinced by the demo, tho.
  14. You are so oppressed, Cookie. You're a victim. Letting a few black people into the press tour instead of them all being white? It's a travesty. Have you filed for victimhood status on your taxes?
  15. Deeno bought this on ebay to place on a shelf under black lights.
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