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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Do you think that boys/men falling behind in elementary school, Jr. High School, High School, and University when compared to girls/women is an issue?
  2. We could say it describes Lemcel gaming, but there aren't any games to describe.
  3. Spoiler for Umbrella Academy:
  4. I don't know who chose Ellen Page's wardrobe, but she was somewhere between a super lesbian and Tommy Wiseau.
  5. I don't believe anyone seriously arguing that women's brains are what keeps them from getting paid more is arguing in good faith.
  6. I assure you, Cookie, I give you the argumentation that you deserve as an alt-righter that happens to be gay.
  7. That indie game that outscored all of xbone's *exclusive titles over the last two years.
  8. Would it help your case? No. You'd just be arguing that the wage gap is a problem instead of failing to explain why it isn't.
  9. Yeah. Yeah it is. Imagine that.
  10. http://time.com/4398888/doctors-gender-wage-gap/ I dunno, but it happens. I'm sorry that hurts you on a deep level.
  11. I'm talking about understanding that a product was meant for one demographic instead of another, and you're talking about foot races. Stop while you're ahead, Spicoli.
  12. Talking about women's brains as causes for their choices while hand-waving environmental factors as if it were settled science is one fuckton of a misrepresentation. But that's what alt-righters do. We got a coal lobbyist in charge of the EPA, a president that thinks vaccines cause autism, a the white house is putting together a team of climate change deniers to counteract their own report that climate change is real. Science denial and alt-right ideology go hand in hand.
  13. Apparently we haven't come far enough, since we still got people misrepresenting science to justify their pre-conceived notions.
  14. The fuck's our ethnicity got to do with understanding that a superhero movie wasn't tailored directly to white peoples' tastes?
  15. Honestly, I'm starting to wonder.
  16. It's like the Django video sailed right over your head.
  17. You're a gay man that spouts alt-right talking points.
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