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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Yeah, I had a buddy make a simple honey mead. It was too damn sweet when we tried it after 3 months of fermentation, so we decided to leave it in for another 5. That'll be around April. How long's the ferment on the ciders? I stick with beers because as long as it's an Ale, it only takes two weeks.
  2. My Stout turned out near-perfect. It doesn't really taste like coffee, but it is a good stout. I'm glad I made it. Next go around I'll add some instant coffee mix to the boil to see if that increases the flavor. Lemme know how your cider turns out, bruh.
  3. Conservatives don't let a little thing like their personal beliefs get in the way of getting their mistresses an abortion. If you want abortion rates to go down, you support pro-choice policies: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/abortion-rates-go-down-when-countries-make-it-legal-report-n858476
  4. Lmao I'm white as fuck, son. EDIT: Inb4 "teh race traitorz!!! ". I hear that's popular with Hitler fans.
  5. Ain't nobody can force you to have self-awareness, Deeno. You have to want to change, first.
  6. The only difference between assault with a deadly weapon and surgery is a doctor doing it. Next.
  7. That's what happens when you port the same game over and over again, sweetie.
  8. @ghostz - you're almost at the core of what Deeno actually believes with this response. Keep hitting him on this.
  9. I've got a 6 month old. The effect of pregnancy on a woman's body is fucking insane. Only an ignorant dumbass would believe otherwise. It's not even a right-left thing. Conservative guys who aren't total pussies see their wives give birth all the time. It's fucking metal.
  10. They're really ass-blasted at that 96 Metacritic rating.
  11. Every single GOP-controlled state in America. How do you not know this?
  12. You're trying to talk sense to someone that believes blowing people up with landmines at the border is legitimate policy.
  13. Scanned the video. There's an Info Wars logo at the end.
  14. Because most people aren't sure what gender Adam Levine is and they're erring on the side of caution.
  15. I think it's one of those situations where you're much better off with Hat in Time or Yooka-Laylee.
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