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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Yeah, i googled that as well. Did you forget to see which employees those benefits apply to? Better yet, can you guarantee they apply to all burger flippers? No? Of course not, 'cause this is America.
  2. https://www.zenefits.com/blog/part-time-employees-get-health-insurance/ Knock yourself out.
  3. People in my field are the reason you can get fillings in your teeth. You're welcome.
  4. Burger flippers don't get health care in America.
  5. I'm in software development, son. I'm doing just fine. What are you in? I hope you're making 10 million a year or else you're gonna look like quite the bootlicker.
  6. The best part is Ramza's fucking Canadian. He don't worry about healthcare. He can likely get free tuition. Literally everything he's complaining about right now is being offered to him in Canada and he's too much of a dumb ass to realize it. Move down here. Flip burgers down here. You'll be begging to go back to Canada the first time you gotta go to the dentist.
  7. Nobody does anymore. But they do tax higher than we do. Let me simplify this for you. I want you to look at the countries on this table and ask yourself if there's some sort of correlation between marginal tax rate and standard of living: https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/personal-income-tax-rate?continent=g20
  8. How much harder does Jeff Bezos work than you? Better question: why don't you just work harder to make the same money Jeff Bezos does?
  9. Funding for healthcare and education brought up to the standards of all the other countries that have this shit figured out. You want to live in a place like Norway with ridiculously low crime, low poverty, virtually no hunger, and long lifespans? Then you have to emulate what they do best: a strong welfare state on top of a capitalist economic system. You can't do that without taxing the people that hoard the money.
  10. If only the United States had some sort of Internal team to collect Revenue to be used in Service of the state. This fuckin' guy right here.
  11. Your sense of scope is so broken that you think a tax rate that doesn't apply until after you've made your 10 millionth dollar is being overtaxed.
  12. Lucky for you Warren proposed a 1% wealth tax. Next?
  13. Can't argue that RE4 isn't the GOAT, so you argue against a console that's 15 years old. You make winning so easy. Sweetie.
  14. Did this sound like a gotcha when you played it out in your head? "Starting franchise is reason we have current entry in franchise. OWN3D!" - Deeno
  15. I can't believe I gotta defend RE4 to a dude who made this OP.
  16. Twice as much as gamecube. Half as much as xbox 360. Xbone lost literally half of its own market. You can try and spin that if you like. Gonna be hilarious when Switch passes it up in 2019.
  17. Probably because Gamecube was a failure of a console. Xbone will be remembered in the same vein.
  18. RE4 wasn't only on gamecube, but of course you know that.
  19. Nice pivot. Has nothing to do with RE4 being the GOAT Action Horror game, tho.
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