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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. So we're just throwing emulation as an option out the window? Got it. Yeah, you're mostly just mad that I'm the one that said it. Carry on.
  2. Woah, woah, woah, hold up, Deeno...are you under the impression that "compatible" means you're gonna stick your PS3 discs into this hypothetical hybrid system?
  3. I guess that's why Dead Space keeps getting ported to new systems and RE4 just kinda died over ti...oh wait.
  4. So the architecture does change. Second point ceded. So what's the problem? I'm starting to think that you don't actually have an issue with what i've said, but just the fact that I'm the one that said it.
  5. Are you suggesting architecture doesn't change with advances in tech? EDIT: And you pivoted away from the size of the platforms to the architecture of the platforms. Thanks for ceding that point.
  6. You mean David Cage is gonna spread his bullshit all over the industry now instead of just on one console?
  7. I'm from the Gulf Coast. The only place I've experienced that's more humid is Japan in July.
  8. Maybe for filthy lemmings that hate games so much they bought an xbox, but for the rest of us RE4 is the pinnacle of action horror.
  9. You're right. No technology has ever shrunk as it is advanced. Silly me, I'm posting from a computer the size of my garage. Since I know that flew over your head, I'm currently playing on a handheld system that's more powerful than the PS3, 360, and Wii U. It's not crazy to think that next gen there could be a hand held system on the same level as PS4. It's only happened, what...every single goddamned generation? GBA -> SNES DS -> N64 PSP/3DS -> PS2 Switch -> PS3/360 Next Handheld -> PS4/Xbone <--- this is what you're saying can
  10. It's not much of a stretch in my imagination. Sony could make a hybrid capable of playing PS4-Pro level games. At that point I can't imagine down-porting PS5 games would be that big of an issue. 'Course it'd probably cost $4-500, but it's not like Sony hasn't pulled that act before.
  11. More like they got back on the winning train after falling off for like 8 years.
  12. It makes sense. I've been saying it for months. If Sony made a hybrid, they'd curb stomp next generation into the ground because developers would just give them the benefit of the doubt. I'd be interested to see their answer to the joycons, though. That's a big one.
  13. Considering Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez have suggested policies that would bring us in line with what Canada has now, I'd say you're a bit of a git for even trying to argue this point. Just about the entirety of Europe has higher taxes on the rich and healthcare for all. Lmao "but wut bout COMUNIZMS tho?!"
  14. Can't name any, can you? Would you like to have a terrorism-off? See which side commits more terrorist actions?
  15. Saucer has no idea that 2/3rds of all terrorist actions in America are carried out by radical right-wing terrorists. That number has gone up since 2016 for some completely unknown reason.
  16. Which politician is providing cover for these shootings? Find me one saying there were bad people on both sides. Go ahead, I'll wait. SheepKilla said you were totes smart, so it shouldn't take you long.
  17. They're 18-21 years old. They have a right to do something embarrassing. What's more embarrassing are people who think they're a bigger threat to their own well-being than the people in the example I gave you that you just ignored.
  18. These things happen when you have decades of, yes, wait for it 'cause you're gonna get triggered: getting treated like shit because you're a minority. It eventually bubbles up. The main difference here, and where you and I actually have a contention, is that when these kids get rowdy, a few peoples' fee-fees get hurt. The professor wasn't fired. The President of the university says he never felt he was in any danger, and the kids didn't stop him from taking a piss. They called him racist and then he was like "oh well". Nothing of any substance happened. Oh noes.
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