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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Cook, somebody is calling white kids racist names. You need to take this seriously.
  2. I got you so mad you're following me around in three separate threads. Under budget and ahead of schedule. Sweetie.
  3. You think Hitler was right about the Jews. Deeno thinks we faked the moon landing. Slow Johnny doesn't think. Comparatively, Jerry's a goddamned Einstein. Thanks, I guess?
  4. I remember when you got so mad because you didn't want to admit that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia that you threw a fit and started questioning Jerry's citizenship. I ain't bothered by your thoughts on hate-movement hats.
  5. You got something you wanna get off your chest?
  6. I'm hearing a lot about "the potential" and precisely dick about wtf it is I'm actually going to play.
  7. Hey Jerry, remember when I said Deeno had a "my dick is dry" signal for Slow Johnny?
  8. Trump places Tariffs on aluminium coming in from Canada and Mexico while lifting sanctions on Russian corporations dealing in aluminium = nothing to see here. That fucking woman who heckled a comedian on a college campus is where the REAL issue is.
  9. Don't you have some jews to blame for all your woes? Shoo-shoo!
  10. There's no point in arguing with anti-Semitics because that suggests you have a point to argue. You don't. You're just scared of the big, bad Jews. You never go full stormfront, son.
  11. Let's count down until you post some Hitler speeches.
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