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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I know you're lacking in critical thinking skills, sweetie, but the thing about a Jerry-Go-Round is that you have to actually get on it for it to work.
  2. People can't quit the Jerry-Go-Round so they blame Jerry instead of themselves.
  3. I feel kinda bad for them. With recent reports that they pitched a new KoToR and EA said no, it seems like they're being forced out of their wheelhouse to make GaaS titles that they're not equipped to support. It seems like EA is so desperate to have their own Fortnite that they're willing to burn their best studios to the ground to get it.
  4. Th'fuck? Serious? Screen cap that shit and post it.
  5. "Comedians didn't know their target audience = 100 million people killed." And you get mad when white-nationalists get called nazis.
  6. Oh this thread is already going swimmingly.
  7. Nah, I just don't get triggered by Gillette ads.
  8. To the state of the world? It doesn't even register on the scale.
  9. Maybe we should bring back Unions. They can be the Anti-Semantics, since that's what they argue when they push their minority-hating tripe.
  10. Trump just lifted sanctions on companies owned by Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska. But yeah, I'm sure some comedians that crashed and bombed is a larger concern to the state of the world.
  11. This dude PMs me this image like I should be concerned that there are jews in the media: This from the same guy who made a thread about Hitler's speeches with the title starting with "I am NOT endorsing this, but..."
  12. I see you're still mad about not understanding marginal tax rates.
  13. Giving Jerry a posting limit is just asking for trouble. He only posts a shitload when people hop on the Jerry-Go-Round. If nobody hops on it, he doesn't post nearly as much. You're asking Jerry and anyone riding the Jerry-Go-Round get post limits.
  14. F-Zero GX. But otherwise, yeah. I'mma take the L on this one. Not a great day when the best you can say about your most anticipated exclusive is "at least it didn't get scalebound'd".
  15. Sounds like Resetera has some closeted lemmings that don't like the fact that the PS4 version runs better.
  16. Now's as good a time as any to link this masterpiece:
  17. Yeah, Switch is gonna pass that up in 2019.
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