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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I'd rather American influence be in the TPP than not. Agree or disagree?
  2. Kate's great. They're all great. They have an immense wealth of talent that could have been something special in the hands of the right director. Paul Feig is a dude with a dominatrix fetish who should stick with what he knows.
  3. Well you're defending it without defending the policies that come along with it, so I'd say it runs interference for people who want those policies, but are too scared to stand behind them publicly. Not even publicly...privately on a forum.
  4. It's been a busy two years, but off the top of my head: Banning people based on religious affiliation. Tariffs against our allies. Tariffs against China. Decimating our agriculture industry. Destroying our Department of State, which kills our means of advancing American interests abroad. Pulling out of the TPP, ensuring zero American influence on the largest international trade deal of our time. Pulling out of NAFTA before re-entering NAFTA. The MAGA Wall™. Gutting the EPA. Not paying the Coast Guard. Not paying Border Patrol.
  5. Disagree. Kate McKinnon was woefully misused. She wasn't funny at all. The only character that felt the slightest bit real was Leslie Jones. At least she didn't want to walk into a closet full of mannequins.
  6. Breakthrough! Thank you for saying what SheepKilla was too chicken-shit to say. I don't think you believe this. I think you're lying about what you think MAGA means because if you had to explain policy decisions that MAGA represents, you'd be put on the defensive for promoting bad policy.
  7. Still waiting on SheepKilla to explain "secrets" and "truth" being censored in a Hitler speech thread. Still waiting on Ramza to explain what MAGA means for policy. Deeno is racist. No real threat there. Cook is more concerned with Gillette than he is with Stormfront threads. That about sums the thread up.
  8. There's nothing to argue against. I've been trying to get you to explain what "secrets" or "truth" means. You keep avoiding. But I'm not a Jerry-Go-Round, so I'll just assume it's some vague, ethereal meaning that's actually good in natu...naaaahhh, you just like Hitler.
  9. Oh mah GAWD we are so close to a breakthrough with you. You've got one foot outside of the swastika closet. C'mon, little one. Push! PUSH!
  10. My, my, my, it sounds like the right are a bunch of thin-skinned snowflakes.
  11. Not really. It's been discussed to hell and back. Religious people are conservative, and Mexicans are predominantly catholic. What blows my mind is that you have yet to describe what "secrets" or "truth" was being repressed by locking your Hitler thread.
  12. Because America has a shitload people like Deeno think that black people registering to vote at a movie theater is an extremist action. These people are very, very angry that a black man got to be president. Do you think the Tea Party was about deficits? Do you think they still care about deficits now that the black president is out of office? ...Do you think it's a coincidence that SheepKilla is alluding to "secrets" and "truth" being repressed by locking an "inspirational" Hitler thread? Or that Ramza can't name a single governmental policy tied to MAGA?
  13. S'ok. We both know what road that was leading down for you. I'd have bowed out. Well, I wouldn't have been caught dead on that road, but if I found myself in your position, I definitely would have bowed out.
  14. You sure are getting pretty angry at a symbol that doesn't mean anything when it's called the new white hood.
  15. There was that one time Trump took out a full-page ad calling for the death penalty of the Central Park Five that had already been exonerated by DNA evidence. Also, you ignored this:
  16. I mean if you're cool with those threads...your site, your rules, mang.
  17. The funny part is that 2019 is going to be bigger for Switch than 2018.
  18. Sounds to me that, while you were worried about SJWs making you dye your hair pink and shave your legs with Gillette razors, you might've let a whole bunch of stormfront in.
  19. I asked you to elaborate on "truth" and you posted some vague video of JFK talking about secrets. Feel free to explain either one. What "secrets", what "truth" was deleted with the "inspirational" Hitler speech thread?
  20. Uh huh. Sure. What secrets got deleted in the "inspirational" Hitler thread? I noticed you ducked out and refused to answer. Let's circle back.
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