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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I'm sure it has nothing at all to do with all of the Nazis and White Supremacists who wear the hat during their public demonstrations.
  2. Well according to SheepKilla, it was about posting "truth" and the other side wanting to keep "secrets". Then he threatened to post my last name when I asked him to elaborate. We're left to draw our own conclusions.
  3. Yeah, I didn't think you'd give a straight answer, either.
  4. Oh, wait, @kokujin, watch this, this is going to be fun: Explain what MAGA means to you, Ramza. Be specific.
  5. Knock yourself out. EDIT: And LMFAO at the thinly-veiled threat. You want to know how I know I'm winning this one?
  6. Switch: 1 XBO: 0.52 PS4: 0.45 Other: 0.76 3DS: 0.19 YoY: Switch: +18% XBO: -32% PS4:-24% Other: +52% 3DS: -56% Dec Hardware Numbers. Switch: 1.77M XB1: 920K PS4: 797K NPD 2018 YTD Total NSW: 5640K PS4: 5330K XB1: 4340K Oh yeah, they should totally stop making hardware that outsells the competition.
  7. Switch: 1 XBO: 0.52 PS4: 0.45 Other: 0.76 3DS: 0.19 YoY: Switch: +18% XBO: -32% PS4:-24% Other: +52% 3DS: -56% Dec Hardware Numbers. Switch: 1.77M XB1: 920K PS4: 797K Indeed.
  8. Would you say they're...turning over tables? Ain't got time for your nihilistic shit, Traitorous Vini. I'm busy trying to get SheepKilla to just out and say what we all know he's alluding at.
  9. Half of the group were either SNL members, alumni, or frequent guests. They didn't lack chemistry, they were given dry dog shit to work with and told to polish it. The entire movie lands at the feet of Feig. He doesn't understand Lovecraft, he doesn't understand entrepreneurship, and he doesn't understand dry humor. He understands Judd Apatow-style "just let them improve the whole movie" comedies. That works for a Paul Feig movie, but it does fuck-all for a Ghostbusters movie. Take the same cast and replace Paul Feig with James Gunn and we'd be watching the trailer to the Ghos
  10. What's that have to do with your "inspirational" Hitler thread? What "secret" are you alluding to, and why aren't you just coming out and saying it?
  11. The "truth" you say? The truth that could only be exposed in a thread about Hitler's "inspirational" speeches where posters where peddling white-genocide and blaming jews for it? Would you like to elaborate on that "truth"? Want to go into some intricate detail? Maybe share your true feelings on what that "truth" is?
  12. I'm sure that's what the thread was about. It must be SJW mods that not only locked it, but deleted it as well. Maybe you should @ those SJW mods to ask them why it was deleted?
  13. Are you under the impression that this is a point in your favor?
  14. By listening to Hitler's speeches and then calling them "inspiring"?
  15. Photographs of racists wearing MAGA Hats too hard to argue against, huh? EDIT: How nice of you to edit your post without there being an edit notification at the bottom.
  16. There's the "I have a black friend" defense, right on queue.
  17. Oh, lookie there, you posted a picture of the self-described white nationalist who coined the term "alt-right". What a coincidence.
  18. He may not be a white supremacist, but he sure as hell is wearing a white supremacist's uniform.
  19. They'll be wearing MAGA hats. EDIT: Also, lmfao at "when". I posted pictures of actual nazis and white supremacists, son. They're already here. Did you just miss Charlottesville?
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