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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Yeah, this ain't gonna be an issue. At all. Not even a little bit. I'm more interested in seeing how the Switch version sells versus the other two.
  2. Better get used to the idea, because it keeps being reinforced by asshats in MAGA hats.
  3. I was going to link your "I'm not endorsing Hitler, but..." thread in response, but it got locked for being too Stormfront for SW.
  4. Well, something changed in one of the factions that caused them to tread multiplats as exclusive because they haven't had an exclusive game in literally years.
  5. T-minus 10 seconds until Deeno and Slow Johnny come up in here screaming about no games despite having nothing but Forza for all of 2018. Oh wait, that's on PC, too.
  6. As I said in the other thread, thank GAWD for the Black Isrealites providing cover or else we'd have to deal with the symbolism of red hats (white hoods). Deeno, your dumb racist ass would try to justify 40 white people hanging a black man from a tree as an unfortunate picnic accident involving a squirrel trap. EDIT: Oh lawd, this makes sense. The kid's parents hired a fucking PR firm to help get them out of trouble. https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2019/01/21/covington-catholic-runswitch-pr-helped-student-in-controversial-video/
  7. Thank god the Black Isrealites showed up in the longer version to give MAGA kids a shield to hide behind. Really legal, really cool. Main person that needs to be reprimanded here is the school's chaperone, who shouldn't have let the kids get into this situation in the first place.
  8. EDIT: The part I disagree with on some of these issues is the Equality VS Markets scale. I don't think that's an either/or situation. Taxing the rich doesn't eliminate markets. The US had the strongest middle class in one of the best markets of its history post-WWII and it had a marginal tax rate of 70% under Eisenhower.
  9. Oh I'm sure nobody is going to be exactly what I expec...
  10. How about we make the default yellow and call it "chickens"?
  11. I chose the faction that currently works best for me, whereas you picked the one that gives you plausible deniability when you defend 300+ hours of Sea of Shit.
  12. While you're at it, get rid of the manticore faction. It's a non-faction and the only people who use it are lemmings who are too chicken shit to turn green.
  13. This is not the same story, slick. This thread is about Paul Manafort, not Michael Cohen. @Teh_Diplomat - Fix the thread title back. Nothing has changed on the Paul Manafort/Konstantine Kilimnik story.
  14. You're confusing this story with a Buzzfeed story that Mueller's office has disputed. Paul Manafort passed polling data to Konstantine Kilimnik. Collusion between Trump's Campaign and Russians is no longer in dispute, despite what some over-eager mods decide to do to the thread title. Here's a hint that you jumped the gun with this post: Paul colluding with a known Russian operative, and Buzzfeed's story being wrong, are both coming directly from Mueller's office. I know it's hard to keep up because your inner white hood is going nuts, but give it a try.
  15. Manafort did pass polling data to Konstantine Kilimnik. That is confirmed. You're confusing this story with Trump directing Cohen to lie to congress about Trump Tower Moscow, which Mueller's office has disputed.
  16. What does this have to do with Paul Manafort passing polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik? It seems you want to talk about literally anything but that.
  17. You can shake the controller instead of wiggling the right thumbstick. I found that easier than holding left thumbstick and wiggling right. Either way, it's not as intuitive as NMH where you were holding a dick controller. They should have just had you wiggle the right stick while not moving.
  18. I'm still having fun with it. I'm just not Slow Johnny or Deeno in that I'm not going to insist it's some paragon of good gaming like Sea of Shit or 5tate of Decay.
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