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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I picked it up. 7/10 is about right. The gameplay is passable, but the style is typical Suda51. Electric Tiger III is meh, but Life is Destroy is much more interesting. This feels more like Travis Touchdown does Grindhouse than Travis Touchdown plays vidya games. Overall it's about what I expected: Suda's capable of much more. You could take this game, give it the traditional NMH camera and controls, and it'd be vastly improved. Oh well.
  2. Pieces of it. I prefer the more comic-book visual style of the first over the glossy, vasaline style look of the second. I also prefer the the Bosses of the first, the overworld of the first, and the minigames of the first. But the general gameplay of the second was improved. Overall, NMH > NMH2 because NMH has the newness feel to it, and NMH2 took steps back when it should have taken steps forward.
  3. NH1 wasn't. I loved the style of that game, but the overworld had pop-in galore. That being said, the overworld being removed from the sequel was a mistake. Not ever overworld needs to be the size of Witcher 3 or BotW. Give me Santa Destroy and all its character, but keep it small. They could take the exact same map from NMH1 and just fill it out more for NMH3, and I'd be happy.
  4. I haven't played the demo because i want this to be 100% fresh, but I'm expecting a 89-92% meta. I think the cons will largely be nitpicks, but it will be the first RE since 4 that's actually comparable to 4.
  5. Oh shit, it was pretty funny. Also, this dude looks like Steve Carrel fucked Todd Howard:
  6. Silly little Ghostz. Nobody but McWicked gets McWicked banned.
  7. Honestly I didn't even know I was banned. I hopped off after @'ing Cook and didn't jump on until much later the next night.
  8. Looks like the Gillette ad was so successful that people have begun agreeing with Feminist Frequency. It's happening!!! The feminization of the big manly masculine men is happening!!! What a wonderful Gillette ad, fixing the world one alt-lite at a time.
  9. He's basically admitting that his entire political system is completely corrupt and it's no big deal. He doesn't know how badly he's being screwed.
  10. It's been like a week and he's still hurt enough to make a thread about it. One might say he's being...hysterical.
  11. Your presidential candidates get killed under "mysterious" circumstances.
  12. See, it's happening! Ghostz is snowflaking before our very eyes! FLEE! Flee for you very lives!
  13. Why do you think they sell razors? 'CAUSE THEY GONNA CUT YA BALLS OFF, MEN! Run for the hills, they have estrogen nukes! 3 views of the ad and you literally turn into a middle-aged black woman! We're all gonna transition!!!
  14. They going in deep on your history because Gillette went deep on their manhood. Next up - Gillette: That's Yes Ma'am to you, you Git.
  15. Jimbo's annoying as shit, but you know a Jimbo post when you see one, and that's more than half the lemmings can lay claim to.
  16. @Cookester15 Fuckin' come at me, breh. You can't stop the G.A.Y.S. agenda, you pussy-loving straight bitch.
  17. The ABSOLUTE THIRST for the Jerry-Go-Round! Turn on your PMs, foo'.
  18. I'mma step out of character for a second because it's clear the last three pages have flown straight the fuck over your head. Recognition of satire is not a strength that you possess.
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