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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Get out while you still can! Before Gillette completes its transformation of you into a full-blown black woman! Gillette ad is love. Gillette ad is life. Gillette ad is all that ever was or will every be. JOooiiiNNN UUuuussSSSs!!!
  2. Your feminine voice and girlish eyelashes changing before our very eyes says otherwise. You're Gillette: As Womanly as You Can Get™. Damn, that's a good one!
  3. Ghostz is begging to hop on your Jerry-Go-round like the dirty little feminine Gillette user that he is. Who would have thought a single ad could be this successful?
  4. Keep going, Gillette! The G.A.Y.S. system is successfully feminizing all of the manly masculine men! Here, another slogan: Gillette: The Most Estrogen that Men can Get!
  5. It's working! The Gillette Advert-Yielding System™ is already changing Ghostz into one of them there NUMALES!
  6. If I were Gillette, I'd just double down. The tears of manly masculine men that are totally not afraid of this ad are so delicious. Lemme float this: Gillette: The Most Triggered a Man Can Get. EDIT: Oh shit, son!
  7. We've got them so wound up that they're absolutely BEGGING to get on the Jerry-Go-Round to distract from the Great Triggering™.
  8. Supressed....s'pressed...upressed....OPPRESSED! It's oppression! We're being oppressed!
  9. He's missing the point of the "peer-review" part. That's the part that weeds out the bullshit over time. You may get your bullshit through, but it typically won't stick around so long as it's something other scientists are currently studying.
  10. Obviously underwear is trying to undermine masculinity and paint men as toxic rape-guerrillas who want nothing more than fem-genocide.
  11. If it's the video I'm thinking of, then they just submitted to a journal where you pay to be published. This is typically why actual peer-review is important, because people will attempt to replicate your study to verify the results. This is how that doctor that kick-started the current anti-vaxx movement got exposed. They couldn't verify his results, they looked at his method, and they found out he lied his ass off. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scientific_journals
  12. In a week, nobody will give a shit about the Gillette ad. It won't lose them anything.
  13. At this point in time, excluding lifestyle, I'd go with the PS4. By the end of the Switch's lifespan, it'll probably have enough content to sway my opinion the other way, but as it stands right now, it's PS4.
  14. https://abcnews.go.com/beta-story-container/Politics/judge-sets-manafort-sentencing-date-mueller-declines-rule/story?id=59519324 Get fucked, Retardeeno.
  15. He didn't even have another game to play with his 5.0 flop. We've still got Smash. Hell, Switch could have stopped at Mario Odyssey and that would have been more than the last two years of Xbomba combined.
  16. You get asked for a peer-reviewed study in a thread about biology deniers and you post Joe Rogan?
  17. Now you're mocking peer-reviewed studies in a thread you made asking why there are biology deniers. Sounds like you've found your answer.
  18. You joke, but it's probably been done. Science builds off of other science. That's how we got to the moon. People thought the earth was flat for thousands of years until it was proven to be round. Just because there's a history of a belief, that doesn't make the belief true. Why else do you think the scientific method is so successful?
  19. We won this one, Jerry. They have accepted that Paul Manafort passed polling data to Konstantine Kilimnik. It doesn't matter what they think of the polling data, or how big a deal they think it is, or why Manafort felt it was necessary to lie about it, or even why Kilimnik needed Manafort's help to get that polling data in the first place if it were so easy obtain; the crack in the dam is there.
  20. Yup. EDIT: No, no, I'm sorry, that's incorrect, Jerry. You're wrong. A literal indie game ended up scoring better than TWO of Microsoft's tentpole exclusives. Sea of Thieves.
  21. Well it sounds like Gillette decided to...overturn the tables.
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