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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Can't argue with that logic.
  2. Deeno's concept of masculinity is losing his goddamned mind when Gillette releases an advertisement that rustles his jimmies. So stoic, such strength. Ladies sliding off bar stools left and right when he walks in the room with his smooth-ish (just a couple missed spots) douche-patch shaved with his replica katana.
  3. Well that shows you how memorable it was.
  4. There was plenty wrong with 2014 Ghostbusters. None of it had to do with the fact that women were the stars of the movie. I think the vast majority of it has to do with the fact that Paul Feig does not understand Lovecraft, entrepreneurship, or the dry humor. Take James Gunn and have him direct Ghostbusters 2014 with the exact same cast and we'd be watching a trailer for its direct sequel right now.
  5. Oh, so you've got a peer-reviewed study locked and loaded? Post it. Cook will be grateful that you've done the legwork for him.
  6. ITT we watch as lemmings provide lists of games to buy on not-xbox as justification for their purchase.
  7. I'm content to wait for a scientific consensus, because I'm not so insecure that the thought of Caitlyn Jenner offends me. What people do with their bodies is their own fuckin' business.
  8. Ehh, that's not quite it. So the theory of evolution has two basic parts to it. There's the mutation part, which is fairly random. This is the part that science deniers latch on to and pretend is the only aspect of evolution. The second half, the part that Darwin discovered, is natural selection. Natural Selection states that good mutations are selected for survival over bad mutations by the environment because good mutations allow a creature to reproduce more often. There is a fantastic example in the book involving the same species of fish being separated into two environme
  9. Words get redefined all the time. Look bruh, I'm not the one making threads asking why people are biology deniers, that's you. So unless you have the scientific literature to back up your feels, then I'mma just chalk you up to being a biology denier.
  10. Correct. This is a fantastic resource on the subject, and probably the only subject I would recommend listening to Richard Dawkins about:
  11. Google search didn't turn anything up supporting you, did it? I know. Posting Louder with Crowder isn't going to help your image of "totally not alt-right", though.
  12. It feels like a "sorry about that whole Ghostbusters 2014 thing..." kind of trailer. Which is fine, because Ghostbusters 2014 was ass and Paul Feig should be embarrassed about it.
  13. "Do you have a scientific study to back up that claim?" "ZOMG insanity!!" This is coming from the guy who thinks registering black people to vote at a movie theatre is an extremist action.
  14. Because they hyped State of Decay 2 and Sea of Thieves after they both flopped. You gotta give them a small sliver of credit: they seem to have stopped hyping Crackdown 3.
  15. I think this thread is less about minor nitpicks of RE2make and more about the adjacent butthurt over the RE2make demo Digital Foundry video.
  16. Yeah, sure, if we exclude all the games where it happens, it's not common.
  17. Considering the only mammal that can communicate the concept of gender to us is homo sapiens (that I know of), I'm going to guess that you don't have a peer-reviewed scientific study to back this up with. Because, you know, you don't want to be a biology denier.
  18. If the controls are too hard for you, you can play the Wii version. You've clearly got disposable income. Knock yourself out.
  19. Yet you don't hear sheep bitching about Halo. Except for MCC, in which the bitching is about how fucking broken it is.
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