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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. It's the 9.7. They've been harboring a grudge for a 15 year old game whose quality they have yet to match.
  2. That's how the original was. Cows and Lemmings flipped a shit when GS AAA'd it. I'd much rather an HD port of the original over this, but hey, at least Travis ain't dead.
  3. "I didn't make that argument!!! Unless you're accepting my argument, at which point i did make it, but only if it's advantageous to me." - That's where Deeno's at right now.
  4. If "square one" was months after you made the claim because the claim turned out to be wrong, sure. And here's the nostalgia cherry on top of the cake:
  5. "I never said that!!!! " It's not like he has a history of saying something then trying to claim that totally wasn't what he sai....oh wait, Deeno Holiday Season™.
  6. You forgot Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Different content, different release = exclusive.
  7. You admitted that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik. There's no more argument to be had, you conceded. EDIT: Unless you've got something else to add, I'm not gonna mimick a Jerry-Go-Round, so you can have the last word on how not-that-bad it is.
  8. Sure, if the "full experience" excludes all of the best games of the entire generation.
  9. "It's not a big deal that he was colluding with Russians!" I'm counting this one as a win, as I've gotten you to admit that the Trump Campaign did in fact collude with Russia. The best part is if it were so easy, why'd they need Manafort to get them the data?
  10. This is pretty common. Software attach ratios on Switch are very high. It's typically touted for Indie games because those have a large presence on the system: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2018/12/nintendo_still_expects_to_hit_100_million_switch_software_sales_this_financial_year
  11. That's about what I expected. I'll pick it up because I'm a suda51 fan, but I ain't recommending this to anyone.
  12. Just RE2make, and on PS4. I'm not as insecure about other consoles as you are. Also, calm down, sweetie. You're being hysterical again.
  13. And there's the "it wasn't a big deal" argument. The goal posts are shifting. "Yeah he's guilty, but he wasn't that guilty, right? RIGHT?! "
  14. Lemmings saying sheep have no games. "Pwease consider my PC downgrades as exclusif, pweaaaaase!!!! "
  15. I thought about it, but figured eh...I'll change it up for a bit. I do miss Plissken.
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