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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Untrue: I think a bunch of white guys throwing a hissy fit at a razor commercial is pretty funny.
  2. This comment is going to age beautifully. Bookmark'd.
  3. Buy Gillette razors or else you'll find out the hard way!
  4. That's a big list of games I'll never need an xbox to play. PS4 inb4 "bu teh cow in hiding!!!!" - Duh. I got no beef with cows. Switch just works better for me right now.
  5. So did Slow Johnny. "Slow" has a dual meaning, both his mental state, and the state of sales of the console he supports.
  6. Prediction: Lemmings will try to claim ownage if Nintendo doesn't hit their 20 million sold goal for this Fiscal Year (by April), and none of them will understand the irony of their celebration.
  7. Meh, I misread. Point still stands: it was a successful ad campaign.
  8. If you shave with Gillette, you'll turn into the big gay. They're coming for you, Slow Johnny. They're coming for you and they're gonna make you into an LGBTQIA+ member and there's nothing you can do about it. Deep State Gillette.
  9. We've moved from "it was bad" to "it had no effect".
  10. Goddamn, you're going full Deeno. Do you think the moon landing was faked? We've got the whole cake, I'm just wondering if you'll give us the cherry on top.
  11. "guiz, guiz...now i'm not an anti-vaxxer, but don't you think it's odd how all the autists have been vaccinated?!?" - You
  12. What is this revisionist bullshit? https://www.politifact.com/facebook-fact-checks/statements/2019/jan/02/blog-posting/obama-2013-and-trump-2018-are-shutdowns-same/ And because I know you'll get a sandy vagina about it:
  13. A compelling argument is the exact opposite response needed to a laughable premise. You think Climate Change isn't real. That's clear, so I just laugh at you.
  14. Goddamn, son, you have no idea what climate change even is. I'm expecting the "see, it's snowing outside! TAKE THAT LIBS!!!" argument any second now.
  15. Lemme get this straight: you're suggesting that after the ad rose their stock to an all-time high in September, it then tanked their stock to where it is now? Is that about right? No external factor to take into account here?
  16. Stock price =/= base, slick.
  17. Glad to see we've moved on from "it didn't happen" to "it wasn't a big deal". I count that as a win.
  18. Everyone's stock is down. There's a trade war going on. Did you miss the shitshow over Christmas? Up, down, down, way up, way down, etc.
  19. That have anything to do with the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik, confirming that the Trump Campaign did collude with Russia? Ohhh, no, you're talking about "Deep State" conspiracies wherein "corrupted" federal agencies are doing their job against a President whose campaign manager passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik.
  20. Did you just post Tucker Carlson? EDIT: Yet another distraction from the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik. Ramza really wants us to look at literally everything except the thread topic, don't he?
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