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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Good lord, son, you know this doesn't actually lower the rep count, right?
  2. Mapping out your dumbassery with a visual aid isn't going to diminish the dumbassery of the argument.
  3. Not entirely true. Pepsi screwed the pooch because of how they approached the subject. It was tone-deaf. Nike, on the other hand, hired Kaepernick and that ad cost them in the short term, then grew their base in the long term: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/321130
  4. Aight, well, I skipped Skyward Sword because honestly it looked like ass and I had no interest in a Zelda game that ripped out the overworld. But a BotW sequel: fuggit i'm there. Cries of SJWs didn't stop me from buying Witcher 3 or MGSV. It's almost as if they are, at most, an annoyance.
  5. It's the sequel to BotW. They could make link a spitting image of Milo Yiannopolous and I'd probably buy it.
  6. Welp, wikipedia says it's legal for medicinal use, so just go get a license for it. Kokujin'll probably have to give up his right to guns, but let's be honest, he's black and a gun would just increase his chances of being shot by a white cop that fear'd for his life, so it's a win-win, really.
  7. I'd buy the next Zelda when it becomes available, yeah. Because I'm not going to throw a pissy fit over an ad.
  8. Lemme stop you right there, Cook.
  9. It's a Gillette ad. It's meant to sell razors. It's got you talking about it, so clearly it's doing its job.
  10. You're in a thread crying about a Gillette ad.
  11. Different states have different marijuana laws, you bipolar git.
  12. They're just so easily offended. Snowflakes, the lot of them.
  13. You know those moments when a post goes over someone head? This is one of those moments for you.
  14. They're coming for you. Gillette is coming for you and they're gonna make you date Caitlyn Jenner and call her "she". Your days are numbered.
  15. Funny how it spins on a whim to suit his needs in any particular thread.
  16. No surprise you got triggered when we pointed out you crying about a Gillette ad.
  17. Aren't you in Japan? I've heard they are strict as fuck on drugs, there.
  18. Different content, different release, different game. Suck it, Deeno.
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