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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. This is legitimately funny. 2shit about the video. Lotta thin-skinned snowflakes in here.
  2. This, easily. Though I'm not sure it counts as western given that the composer was Yamamoto, so it's basically an eastern soundtrack on a western game.
  3. Hey, you leave Oblivion out of this. That game's character models entered so bad they're good status long ago.
  4. He's almost doubled my post count in 1.x years then I've made since 2005. I'd say SWing is his core hobby. I brewed beer last night. Made a coffee stout. Here's hoping it comes out.
  5. Deeno's problem is, and always has been, a complete lack of self awareness. Dude has no place telling other people to get more hobbies.
  6. This is the kind of shirt Deeno would go dumpster diving for so that he could display it in his Gamer Cave™.
  7. You wanna talk about why he was nominated, make a thread and i'll give you the reason. Otherwise this is a distraction from the fact that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia via campaign manager Paul Manafort. Deal with it.
  8. EDIT: You know what? Nah. This is a distraction from the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik. You're trying to change the subject because you can't deny that the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia.
  9. Kavanaugh was not under criminal investigation, he was in a hearing to the SCOTUS. The absolute worst that would have happened to him was he would remain on the second-highest court in the United States. And his hearing was a week long. We know you don't follow jack shit about anything, Retardeeno. Kavanaugh to you wasn't about getting a good SCOTUS pick on the board. He was about the overall culture war. That's it. You never stopped to think what his nomination would mean for the next 30 years because you were just hoping to get someone up there to "own the libs".
  10. The thing here is that the Clintons were investigated for 6 straight years over Whitewater, and nothing was found. Then Hillary was investigated for the attack in Benghazi ten times, six of which were Republican-lead investigations. Her email controversy was investigated by the Select Committee on Benghazi starting in 2015 and up through the election, as confirmed by Comey, in 2016, , and she gave over 10 hours of sworn testimony. The only charge brought against the Clintons is that Bill lied about a blowjob from his intern. Now, I'm not saying the Clintons are clean.
  11. I don't think you even know what you're asking for. I think you've made up a reality in your head in which we're talking about something other than Paul Manafort handing polling data over to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik.
  12. Aight, you wanna play dumb, play dumb. Google it yourself.
  13. 23 pages in and the best they got is literally "NUH UH!!!!"
  14. This is astoundingly stupid. It's not surprisingly stupid, because most cult members aren't aware of how deep they're in the cult, but it definitely is astoundingly stupid.
  15. This guy is its lead developer: The game still released.
  16. Literally on the first page of this fucking thread: Get fucked, Ramza. You're out of your league. EDIT: Uh-oh, here comes your rescue wagon to post NPC memes:
  17. I gave you a Fox news link 8 pages back: You're having a very hard time with the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik.
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