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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. A pretty solid argument that SJWs aren't the reason games get cancelled.
  2. I never voted for a man whose campaign manager shared polling data with a Russian operative, but here we are.
  3. Eh. Wah-wah Mario hasn't been fun since the original Wii release. This style of Mario is so overdue for a makeover that's it's almost physically painful at this point.
  4. Did Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
  5. Calm down, sweetie. You're being hysterical.
  6. Are...are you serious? How do you think Facebook makes their money? Do you think it's a coincidence that peoples' news feeds are tailored based on what they click? Do you know how tailored ads get tailored? What did you think Facebook was in the business of doing, exactly?
  7. Target voters in swing states with propaganda via social media. This was the intent of companies like Cambridge Analytica.
  8. Talent respecs can happen if a patch changes the passive skill tree, but that's not something you should rely on. There is an item that you can farm that grants you one talent skill respec, but that's also tedious. Overall, respecs are basically discouraged so that if you find yourself in a corner, you have to branch out to make the character work. This leads to a lot of dud builds, but also creates some very unique builds that wouldn't have normally been found if you could respec so easily. The best way to build is to look at the major nodes that define your builds, find out th
  9. We got him making revenge threads!
  10. So basically everyone was crying their tits off because the preacher character is alt-right. Got a lot of posters with a soft spot for the alt-right, don't we?
  11. This back and forth is great, because Saucer went from someone who could generally...sort of...back up what he was saying in the politics thread, to full on Victimhood Vini mode where he sticks his fingers in his ears and employs the God of the Gaps defense. "Well was Kilimnik acting as a Russian operative on that specific day that he tool that polling data? And did he hand it over to Vladimir Puting himself, directly, on a direct flight?!?! CHECKMATE ATHEISTS!! " Kilimnik is a Russian operative. There is nothing more to discuss. Even Fox News is on my side on this
  12. Ain't no doubt that you're winning over Flying Saucer now, @jehurey.
  13. This is a deliberate attempt to shift the conversation away from the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative, Konstantine Kilimnik. This time he's trying to rile you up with dog whistles, Jerry. Is that going to work?
  14. Don't fall for this. They want you talking about Ukranians because as long as you're talking about Ukranians, you're not talking about the fact that Paul Manafort passing polling data to a known Russian operative.
  15. This is a deliberate attempt to segue the conversation over into "teh SJWs" territory and away from the fact that Paul Manafort passed polling data to known Russian operative Konstantine Kilimnik. Also an attempt to diminish the value of the data to make the action seem like it's not as bad as it was.
  16. Same as they did in Berlin: people still get through.
  17. They don't talk about who Kilimnik passed the information to, they talk about the same thing the OP states: that Manafort passed polling data to Kilimnik, and that Kilimnik is a Russian operative. That you're trying to argue past that is telling enough. It doesn't matter what Kilimnik did with the data, because Kilimnik is the Russian operative in this report. I'm sorry that hurts your feelings, but them's the breaks, kid.
  18. Second concession of the day from Deeno: walls don't work.
  19. I literally gave you a link to Fox News and you called it Fake News™.
  20. Third time I've posted it. Let me know when it starts to sink in. j/k we know it won't. You can't be reasoned out of something you didn't reason yourself into.
  21. Quoted for new page so that Flying Saucer can stop embarrassing himself.
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