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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. "Fate" appears to be some ethereal concept that you use as a safe space because you can't register simple facts such as "Kilimnik is a Russian agent" and "Manafort passed polling data to Kilimnik".
  2. I posted a link to Fox fucking News of all places that says exactly who Kilimnik is, and Saucer didn't even watch it.
  3. Did Manafort hand polling data over to Kilimnik, yes or no?
  4. Not my fault you think I was responding to Deeno's software talk when I was actually responding to Deeno's comments about Nintendo's best interests. That's your fault. But go ahead, cookie, I'll give you the last word.
  5. It'll be great when Quad Damage gets a hold of you in the next few months. But this thread? This thread will be mine.
  6. I love it when I've got you two on technicalities because you start pulling random shit out of your asses to try to gaslight your way out of your original statements.
  7. Yeah, not sure why you guys think Bungie's just going to up and sell. They have the foundations for a GaaS title, and a successful one at that. If Activision is no longer pushing to monetize literally everything, they can probably self-sustain like Grinding Gear Games with a solid GaaS title, and Destiny can be that. I would bet that without Activision's influence, the game will improve. Vastly.
  8. That's me saying it's not in Nintendo's interest to stop making hardware. I guess my post went over your head. I'm sorry for speaking on too high a level for you to understand. That's my bad.
  9. Posted before that. I accept your ownage as well as your apology. you are forgiven.
  10. No, Deeno's post said that it would make sense for Nintendo to stop making hardware. And that post was in reply to hardware. It said nothing about software: But of course you knew that and are now trying to gaslight like a little bitch.
  11. Well, if there were ever any doubts as to the boneheaded decisions made during Destiny 2, those doubts are now put to rest. Anyone wanna guess who's at fault for Blizzard's shenanigans, now?
  12. That makes perfect logical sense, but I get the feeling that Earth's giving off massive amounts of radio waves as it is. What we should really be worried about is aliens showing up and asking to be taken to Rush Limbaugh.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/09/politics/immigration-deal-wall-fight-republican-senators/index.html GOP senators seek big immigration deal to end shutdown GOP already offering concessions, just like you and your steel fence talk. They've already blinked. Welp, they officially didn't fold. Nobody could have predicted this. Nobody.
  14. I was laughing at the free money due to lack of xbox games part of the statement.
  15. How'd that work out in November? Wait, don't answer. 2019 will answer that question for us.
  16. The fact that republicans are the ones making offers tells you all you need to know. Their internal polling data is showing them at fault.
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