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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Keep those fingers in your ears, Deeno boy. 2019 is going to be a very rough year for you. Since we know you didn't watch it:
  2. You have no idea what's happened in this thread at all. Here, let me redirect you to Fox News telling you what's going on: Shall I start a betting pool as to how long it'll take you to reveal that you still haven't watched Fox News tell you what everybody else already knows? Nah, it's going to happen so goddamned fast I'd never get all the bets in on time.
  3. Gotta love their new tactic: just ignore everything posted in the thread and claim none of it's happening. Vinified. Submissification. Retardeeno.
  4. Give them a break. They can't come up with catchphrases and one-liners themselves because they have to wait for alt-right outlets to do it for them. Notice how none of them are talking about Paul Manafort giving confidential polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik at the height of the 2016 election.
  5. Well, Pachter is making the prediction, so the chances of it actually happening are about as high as Deeno being right about NPD numbers.
  6. Depends on the design. Assuming the joycons still detach, then yeah, it'd basically be a Switch minus the dock. But if they don't detach, which would be a huge mistake, then presumably they would have more physical space for either a larger battery or a larger screen, or possibly more internal storage. I don't know, I just know they'd probably do something with the space reclaimed from the controller track that the joycons snap into. I still think going handheld-only is a bad idea this early in the life cycle, unless they're planning on releasing an iterative update.
  7. Imagine being more delusional than Fox News. What should we call that level of delusion? Vinified? Submissification? Retardeeno?
  8. The OP says Manafort handed the polling data over to Kilimnik. Which he did. Pay attention, slick, or is that too much to ask? Of course it is.
  9. That's what I thought. Let's flip this around. Would Microsoft's games be better served on superior hardware, like the PC....oh wait.
  10. Are...are you arguing over a hypothetical reality where you finally have good games to play on your xbox because Nintendo made them?
  11. Do yourself a favor and just stop posting here. It ain't going to end well for your career.
  12. You're right, Breathe of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, and Smash Bros certainly can't hold a candle to Six of Theives, 5tate of Decay, and Below 7.0. What ever were the sheep thinking?
  13. Stick around. We'll get you to admit your real feels sooner or later.
  14. Nah. All the 65+ year-olds still don't know that everything they do online is recorded as a data point in their lives. They can't conceptualize the invasion if they tried.
  15. I was going to post this. It's been known for a while that conservatives are a larger consumer block for fake news than liberals. It doesn't surprise me that old people are the ones sharing it the most. I still think we can mitigate this by requiring verification of identity. Removing bots from social media will go a long way towards keeping actual fake news from propagating.
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