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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. The 17 known Trump-related investigations https://www.axios.com/donald-trump-federal-state-local-investigations-602d2e21-b087-454f-b887-57f2f5b4dc55.html This whole thing started with one investigation into Trump's Campaign and its Russian contacts. It's now 17 separate investigations spread out across state and federal agencies. Keep playing ignorant, Deeno. 2019 is going to be a very stressful year for you. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-manafort/manafort-says-any-misstatements-unintentional-court-filing-idUSKCN1P21ZV
  2. Sweety, this thread is about Manafort. He's already been taken into court, tried, and found guilty, and then on top of that he's been found to have lied to the FBI. "PWEEASSEE STAHP PICKING ON TWUMP!!! " - You. If you want Trump to stop being picked on, well...
  3. Deeno thinks we've made this thread a thousand times, which is delusional because it's all been in the politics thread up until this thread. That gives you a window into how thin-skinned he is. He can't take it when you're just exercising a little bit of free speech by making a thread informing people what's happening.
  4. You mean like how RE2make does it? Today is not your day, Deeno.
  5. And a fun adjacent story to come out today: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/08/nyregion/trump-tower-natalya-veselnitskaya-indictment.html Veselnitskaya, Russian in Trump Tower Meeting, Is Charged in Case That Shows Kremlin Ties Wait until Deeno asks who the fuck Veselnitskaya is.
  6. First smart decision you've ever made on this forum, Deeno. We're one week into 2019. I've told you a hundred times. 2019 is going to be a very hard year for you.
  7. You don't know who the fuck Manafort is, do you? Prepare your asshole, Deeno.
  8. Well it certainly isn't 300-hours-into-Sea-of-Shit level good.
  9. Deeno's pretty deep in the alt-right cult. Trump could shit out a turd, call it a burger, and Deeno would eat it.
  10. yeah, what we really need is some next-gen godliness that only the 1X can provide:
  11. Federal Grand Jury conviction rate. Go look it up, snowflake.
  12. Vini's so scared of pink-haired feminists that he'd literally rather burn the US to the ground. What a cheap little Russian slut.
  13. This is too good to leave to the politics thread. Let me save you Trumpets the time: Trump knew. Of course he knew. Everyone with any common sense knows that he fuckin' knew about this the second he fired Comey for looking into it. Get fucked, Victimhood Vini.
  14. I don't think so. I think they'll continue doing what they've been doing and charge for post-game content that used to be included in the base game, and pad that with microtransactions and loot crates.
  15. A good compromise would be verification that a human is the one posting the content. Ridding the social media platforms of bots alone would reduce the amount of bullshit being peddled. Jade Helm, Pizzagate, Q-Anon, all that shit would be significantly reduced in scope if it relied solely on actual humans to push it instead of automated bots.
  16. I haven't fully formed an opinion on this, yet. On one hand, the vast majority of people spouting bigoted bullshit getting named and shamed is generally a good thing. If you do these things in public, you pay a social price. That's how society enforces norms. On the other hand, there are many places in the world that use these social media sites to organize against truly oppressive regimes, and anonymity is crucial in those countries. I don't feel bad for a racist losing their job because they went into a very public forum and started spouting racist shit. This ain't the 90's
  17. If you're bilingual, then start applying for jobs translating for big business. Shit's cash.
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