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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Facebook is whore central. But myspace let you change the html/auto-play music, and boy howdy was that a terrible fucking decision.
  2. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the "puzzles" is just turning on the lights to areas you've already been through.
  3. No team 2019 statement. 2/10 Aza Job, would not trust to do Aza job again.
  4. How the fuck does Deeno live with himself for being wrong 99.9% of the goddamned time?
  5. It was narrow. Mojang doesn't make the merch, MS does. You're not seeing the big picture.
  6. That's a narrow view of the situation. Microsoft didn't just buy Mojang, they bought Minecraft. If you factor in the merch sales, I guarantee they've made their money back.
  7. They have it drenched in social media propaganda, and they vote.
  8. Lol. Of course SJWs are a thing, but at absolute worst they're an annoyance. Most of the people labelled as SJWs aren't. BLM isn't complaining about microaggressions. They're complaining about getting shot because they're black. It's a legitimate complaint. Meanwhile, Trump's about to spew a whole lot of lies about terrorists coming across the border en masse because he knows alt-right dumbasses will believe everything he says, despite the fact that it's objectively bullshit to distract from the fact that he shut down the US government because his manhood felt threatened. The
  9. Johnny doesn't know that a message board keeps a record of all of the message he posts? Say it with me now: Slow. Johnny.
  10. Guys, i think we need to start putting sanctions on Deeno and Slow Johnny. Their game recommendations are really shitting up the forum for the rest of us.
  11. Gen Z? Pfffft. Have you seen what Facebook is doing to the boomers?
  12. Russia didn't make Deeno racist. They helped put a guy in office that makes Deeno feel safe enough to say racist shit out loud on a forum. Deeno probably still hides his racism in real life because it turns out being a shit bird has real social consequences.
  13. PoE is fuggin' great, but I'd still grab it on PC due to the loot filters. It makes all the shit that drops so much easier to sort through.
  14. Didn't cows get Spider-Man the last time this happened? Oh nooo, that's so terrible.
  15. It's too late. R Kelly is already immortalized on the Space Jam soundtrack. That sick bastard.
  16. Nintendo re-ups trademarks all the time, though. They've been renewing Eternal Darkness for years.
  17. No, because unlike cable subscriptions, you can get a streaming service just long enough to watch what you want, then ditch it until the next season comes out. You don't have to buy 500 channels of bullshit and ESPN to watch one show. Streaming services allow you to pick and choose your content à la carte, so overall you can spend far less cash for the exact same content.
  18. Funny how all of the 2005-era posters remember me and you don't.
  19. Dat feel when two guys are fighting over you and you know you're just gonna dump the winner anyway.
  20. That Russia is doing it, or that you don't believe Russia was doing it? Because Russia was definitely doing it. They're still doing it.
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