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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Do you find issue with how the bad guy is going to be depicted?
  2. Oh shit, Slow Johnny's jealous! @DynamiteCop! get in here, Deeno. Slow Johnny's just upped your status to Mr. Steal-Yo-Sheep.
  3. Like that one time you kept begging for pictures of my wife, then got mad and started calling me sister fucker? EDIT: Since we've come full circle to the very reason why you're called Slow Johnny, for upteenth time, @lynux3 is the one that posted your picture. Not me. One day you're going to understand that. BWAAAA HA HA No you won't.
  4. Didn't play Galaxy 2. Sunshine was pretty bad, though. I remember being disappointed before I was half-way through. People online keep saying it's actually reall good, but those swimming controls were straight dogshit and anyone who says otherwise should feel ashamed of themselves. Sunshine.
  5. You'll understand when you get a life.
  6. That's the difference between you and me, Slow Johnny: I'm fine with the idea of being a cow. I just can't be one due to life circumstances. You on the other hand are a lemming despite the fact that that you could be anything else, but you choose not to because reasons. Slow...Johnny.
  7. I'd pay 60 for that. Just do a full remake and give it 20 extra starts and two player co-op.
  8. It's a great game, but in terms of 3D Mario games, I'd still put it like this: Mario 64 > Mario Galaxy > Mario Odyssey >>>>>>>>> Mario Suncrap
  9. Sounds like Punisher isn't PC enough for you anymore.
  10. Deeno finally learned his lesson.
  11. That's a big list of titles that I don't need to ever touch a filthy fucking xbox to play.
  12. Not like Chrono Trigger was hard. Unless, you know...you touched the bucket at the end of time. Then it was hard.
  13. I gotta hand it to you, there. MS is the only company putting out experiences like Six of Thieves and 5tate of Decay.
  14. To think Johnny could have been having these types of experiences all generation if he just wasn't a lemming.
  15. I'm not watching any more trailers. I just hope we get some peak Shyamalan out of this one, and not The Crappening level Shyamalan.
  16. You can't stop the Jerry-Go-Round. You simply become one with the Jerry-Go-Round.
  17. Because Marx wrote about class warfare, which is appealing to LGBT people because they're treated as lower class regardless of their affiliation. Unfortunately you get a whole bunch of misinformed angry people who think going full communism is going to sole all of their problems despite the only "successful" communism country being...China? Even then they have to embrace capitalistic ideas and a whole lot of slave labor, so i don't even know if they qualify anymore.
  18. Yeah. It's strong enough to bruise your eye, too. Have fun showing that off to people to gross them out.
  19. First thing they had me do when they finished the procedure was sit up and look at a clock on the wall to tell the time. Eyes were a bit aggravated, but I didn't have any trouble doing it. I drove myself back to the doc the next day for the 24 hour checkup without much problem.
  20. Because you can't keep your legs closed.
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