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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. This thread is about him being unable to keep his legs closed.
  2. Aint nobody surprised you're a red hat when that's the natural evolution of the white hood, Deeno.
  3. Fuggit, I'm in. I'm too much a fan of Killer 7 and NMH 1&2 to skip it.
  4. I've had LASIK. It's incredibly worth it. The only side effect I've had about a year on is there's a slight haloing effect around lights when i'm in the dark, but I have to actively look for them to even notice them. Otherwise, it's perfect vision. Take my advice, though: stock up on preservative-free eye drops. Buy a shitload of them. They'll give you antibiotic and steroid drops for the first week or so, but after that, you're going to want to use these just about every morning for a few months until your eyes fully heal up. BTW, the procedure is terrifying depending on the
  5. That settles the race angle. Now I gotta wonder what the meta is. If Peele knocks this one out of the park, he's going on my list of favorite directors.
  6. I'm not the one complaining that I can't keep my legs shut.
  7. It's less the what and more the how. Trump gave an order without any sort of exit plan. He's doing the same with Afghanistan. There's a reason why Mattis resigned, and Mattis was the only guy left in the administration who wasn't functionally retarded. This move should scare you.
  8. Whining thread? Whining thread. WHAAAAAA WHY CAN'T I MANSPREAD?!?!
  9. See? Madmaltese got it. Slow Johnny...well, he's Slow Johnny.
  10. I'm sorta interested in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3. It's developed by Team Ninja and published by Nintendo, so it might as well just be a new Marvel series. That's a wait and see thing, though.
  11. Was going to throw The Town out there, but no way Gamefreak ships a game in 2019 that they announced in July 2018.
  12. People are seriously underestimating next year's lineup. The main hardware pushers are Pokemon and Animal Crossing, both of which will sell hardware. But on the side there's a healthy dose of exclusives that are peppered about for anyone to pick up. Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3, Luigi's Mansion 3, Daemon X Machina, Fire Emblem (if waifus are your thing ), SMTV, Travis Strikes Again (fuck you i like Suda51 ). Lot of shit that I would love to have on a handheld: FF 7/9/X/X-2/XII/CC/Chocobo Mystery Dungeon, REmake and RE4. Some good 3rd party multiplats peppered about with DOOM
  13. I'd give Detroid the side-eye because David Cage is a hack, but I don't understand why anyone would balk at Spiderman making a top 10 of 2018 list. It clearly belongs there.
  14. Peele confirmed that it will be a "social thriller", so it's going to have overarching message about society. Whether or not race factors into that message remains to be seen, but given the imagery, it's a safe bet.
  15. I don't think it's a coincidence that the family is middle class and doing things that are typical of upper-middle class white families in the beginning of the trailer. Just look at who all is surrounding the main characters at the beach, for example, followed by the father driving a boat in circles. It's deliberately "white". But the clones/copies/whatever in this movie are monsters, Peele has confirmed. The real question is what do they represent. Given the intro, I think they're going to represent some form of self-hatred, maybe? Like even a black family that has made it st
  16. Doubt the length of a game affects purchasing habits of handheld gamers. Pokemon can attest to that.
  17. I don't think there was anything about a switch port in this rumor.
  18. Got Ghostz-lite to triple-post about me. Jerry's clearly on to something, here.
  19. I love how Ghostz-lite is absolutely SPHINCTER-GASHED that I pointed out that he's Ghostz little handmaid. Now he's changed the subject YET AGAIN, just like I said he would, to me getting the last word in. Now he doesn't know what to do, and he knows it. Watch him change the subject YET AGAIN to try to deflect.
  20. Now he's mad. He thinks the leash he has on Ghostz is enough to pull him off the Jerry-Go-Round. It's not gonna work. Now he's gonna change the subject AGAIN to try to deflect. That won't work either, so he'll run away because he's too TAINT-CRANKY to stay on subject.
  21. "LOL the Jerry-Go-Round is hilarious, let's all ride it ironically!" -A bunch of guys unironically riding the Jerry-Go-Round
  22. Get Out was a masterpiece of horror that had many layers to it. This is the sophomore effort to that movie by Jordan Peele. Judging from the trailer, it looks to keep the layers that separate the great horror movies from the popcorn trash that goes straight to netflix.
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