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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. What's happening is Battlefield is coming off of the Battlefront II lootbox debacle into a world where competition in the shooter genres has never been greater. PUBG and Fortnite exist, and have women as playable characters, and nobody gives a shit. Black Ops 4 has playable women; nobody gives a shit. "bu bu muh history": nobody gives a shit. Women in BF5 is the least of its problems, if it could even be called a problem.
  2. I'll pick it up. I always meant to play this series since DQ8 on PS2, but I didn't have much interest in the DS/3DS versions.
  3. If I don't pay attention to the release calendar, then the games don't exist.
  4. It's more likely that the'll release a handheld-only Switch once a Switch successor comes out. You could easily translate Switch to being just a handheld, but with a massive existing user base, while you promote your next generation hybrid.
  5. That's technically true. It was untapped because nobody made games for it other than Nintendo because it was a massive pile of shit.
  6. Wasn't this game built on UE3? That may be why they don't want to port it to Switch. UE4 runs on Switch, but I don't think UE3 is officially supported.
  7. Don't go too deep down that rabbit hole. He tried to convince me that the Ark port that runs at like 200p was the absolutely best the Switch could do, even though there are multiple other open-world games on the system that look infinitely better. I ended up just telling him he was right because it wasn't worth getting into a Jerry-styled round about.
  8. I don't get what people are complaining about. If that is indicative of gameplay, then it looks great. Which I would expect because games with art styles translate better to switch than games focusing on raw power.
  9. Honestly breh i don't see much of a difference between OoT, MM, WW, and TP. I think that's why I can go back and play OoT every few years, but I find WW and TP just a fucking chore.
  10. 2D top-down was more in the vein of Link to the Past, but MM, WW, SS, and Twilight Princess all follow the OoT template. BotW was a game changer for Zelda.
  11. I've been calling the Wii U a massive pile of shit since forever.
  12. This was a legit issue for almost 20 years. OoT released in, what, '97? Every Zelda after that until BotW played exactly the same.
  13. TBH fam, who the hell would play as anyone other than Terry Crews?
  14. NMH feels more like a series that exists because of Suda51's passion for it more so than Nintendo's willingness to invest in it. I always felt it was along the lines of Eternal Darkness, Viewtiful Joe, or Killer 7 as an experimental game that has its roots with Nintendo, but Nintendo doesn't really want to pony up the cash to make them bigger and better.
  15. He made one post in this thread and it's devoid of ellipses.
  16. I like how they're making threads about me because they can't touch my arguments. First they LIE, then they get called out, then they're ASS-BLASTED, then they make me the center of their world. Right where I want to be. They thought it would work. They were wrong. DId he think we wouldn't notice??? Now watch them run away, yet again.
  17. I hope it turns out to be something fruitful. Suda51 makes some of the most unique and interesting games, and I'd hate for the industry to lose that. I'd rather MS buy Grasshopper than lose Suda, no lie.
  18. inb4 Bythre tries to claim victory by talking about us talking about Crackdown.
  19. Deeno posted this while singing the praises of the 1X. Why do none of the lemmings have any self awareness at all?
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