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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Prolly be a Zelda costume tie-in. That seems to be par for the course a-la Skyrim and Diablo III.
  2. I'd love a xenoblade port to Switch. Game looks great on dolphin:
  3. Xenoblade 1's areas were far superior. Not even joking.
  4. This is why I call Slow Johnny "Slow". He's got no self awareness of where he actually is in the present moment.
  5. Ask Slow Johnny what this thread's about and you get: 1. McWicked (livin' in Johnny's head, rent-free) 2. teh Alt-Lefties 3. Pitchforks, racism, and hate speech. 4. BOTH SIDES!!!111 Hey, Slow Johnny, we just got out of our weekly Alt-Left™ meeting, sponsored by The George Soros Foundation for Alt-Alt Societies™. They served hot chocolate with snacks. First up on the agenda was an Antifa Pow-wow. Second was hounding you on systemwars.net. Be afraid, Slow Johnny. BE AFRAID!
  6. What do you think this thread is about, Slow Johnny?
  7. But the faces he made during the cutscenes were glorious.
  8. It's a bit more nuanced than that. It's not that telling people "how to live their lives" doesn't apply ever. You can tell a person not to murder or steal, and that's technically telling them how to live their lives. What you can't really do is tell other people how to live their lives when what they do isn't bothering others in the first place. If Cook can give a successful argument on how some tranny getting their dick sliced up and turned into a vagina personally affects him, I'll reconsider my position. My guess is all we've got to go on here will be "i don't want to call h
  9. Nah, you guys don't understand. Smash actually only sold half that. Smash Brothers Ultimate and Smash Brothers Ultimate + Ultimate Fighter Pass are actually two separate releases with separate content, just like Let's Go Eveee and Let's Go Pikachu. -Some dumbass, somewhere
  10. Insecurity. It's always insecurity. What these people do with their bodies, or what treatments their doctors prescribe to them, aren't really any of our fuckin' business. It doesn't hurt us. Nobody got hauled off to jail for calling a transwoman a dude.
  11. Last I read there were no documented long-term effects. Link?
  12. Gender Dysphoria is the condition. The treatment is typically some kind of transition, either presenting as their preferred gender, taking hormones, or having sex reassignment surgery. That makes it as much of a right as getting a broken arm reset and cast, or taking anti-anxiety medication. Unless you guys are against medical treatment of known conditions, anyway. Bigger question: why do you care what the trans community does with their dicks? Heading off "but McWicked...the CHILDREN!!!!" at the pass: https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gende
  13. Lemmings play Observer all the time because they have to observe what's it's like to have games to play.
  14. Cows can look on the bright side: so far you're worse than Michael Pachter at making predictions, so this thread probably has them feeling pretty safe.
  15. I'll take "what is hyperbole" for $400, Trebek. Because this worked wonders for Voat and Gab.
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