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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I like how they got all indignant after I posted a video of Gavin advocating violence in the streets, but as soon as I post a link showing Gavin shoving a plug up his ass, we go straight to "I'm not defending him!!!" Violence in the streets = (((A-OK))). Shoving things up your butt = "we never defended him, heh heh...heh "
  2. They don't have an ideology that they believe in, they're just afraid of brown people and feminists. I guarantee none of them looked up Gavin McInnes/Proud Boys on the SPLC: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/proud-boys Then there's that one time he shoved a butt plug up his own ass to own the libs. NSFW WARNING: https://imgur.com/a/MQraN
  3. You're arguing that we should nationalize social media? What are you, a fucking communist?
  4. He can always go to Gab and Voat...did they cut him loose, also?
  5. We need to get you into the space industry. There's no lengths you won't go to to move the goal posts and we need to colonize Mars anyway.
  6. 'Member that time Nigel Farage went and met with Julian Assange? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/apr/23/when-nigel-farage-met-julian-assange 'Member that time Russia tried to extract Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy? https://www.theguardian.com/media/2018/oct/17/julian-assange-ecaudor-russia-moscow-embassy-documents Why do people like Farage and Manafort keep visiting Assange? It's a goddamned enigma.
  7. Bunch of black folk finally do what the white folk have been trying to force them to do for decades and errybuddy gets all pissy about it.
  8. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Ramza is about thiiiiis close to saying social media should be nationalized.
  9. Octopath fits your criteria better, but RDR2 is the better game. Octopath's OST got the shaft at the game awards, tho.
  10. Smash has really hurt the lemcel's feelings. They can't stop talking about it.
  11. The game was bought by some black people and mexicans, and they don't count because they're genetically inferior.
  12. Off the top of my head: BotW Skyrim Fortnite Splatoon 2 Warframe DOOM Wolfenstein 2 Paladins RE Revelations 1 RE Revelations 2 Morphies Law
  13. Smash Ultimate is an AAAE. Stop being a little bitch about it because you haven't had one all gen, Deeno.
  14. I don't think Octopath is getting ported. At least not this generation.
  15. Well shit, that's easy: Which part of this line is ambiguous to you? @Alphonse - can we merge this with the other one?
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