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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Show sucked. None of the rumors were true. But we did get an exclusive game announcement. You got Phil saying 2018 could have been better. When asked about it, Phil cited Seat of Thieves and State of Decay.
  2. Slow Johnny doesn't know what that is. You'll have to explain it to him. You'd better use pictures.
  3. I had some problems with the game (the ridiculous opening scene trying to pull heartstrings was dumb as shit), but it was a pretty competent game with a competent story and was gorgeous to look at when it released. It's difficult to appreciate those things when you've only got Sea of Turds and State of Shit. I guess you have Forza, the best game on xbone since Forza.
  4. Anyone who doesn't have this in their list is a goddamn pussy.
  5. There's gonna be hella-announcements. At this point the only reason not to watch is because you're a lemming and at best MS will maybe announce another acquisition.
  6. Can we start a count down until Bethesda bumps the resolution by 10% on 1X and that causes Deeno to make a thread saying the game is an underrated gem?
  7. What saddens me is that after this, they're still going to make Starfield and TESVI on Creation Engine. If they'd just put in the cash to upgrade their engine, they'd have avoided this entire fiasco. The amount of money this cost them in potential earnings is staggering. Fallout 76 could have been an insanely lucrative game. Now it remains to be seen whether or not it'll be alive this time next year. It feels like Battlefront 2 all over again.
  8. Yeah, that's why I say you're on your own. I'll believe a W101 remaster on Swtich. That one sounds likely, but otherwise? Nah. I'll believe it when i see it.
  9. Everything sold poorly on Wii U 'cause Wii U was shit. It's so shit that Deeno likes it. That tells you how shit it is. But a W101 port isn't out of the question. In fact I'd bet on that hitting the system in the next year.
  10. I remember when you admitted to sucking a dick, got called out on it, and then cried about it because everyone called you gay.
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