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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Microsoft should buy the Dead Rising IP, take it straight back to its roots (i.e. base the game design on the first game and forget the sequels even exist), then experiment with ways to make that style of game in a GaaS model. MS doesn't need microtransactions in their GaaS games because the goal is to sell Game Pass, so they can do it justice.
  2. "Poor reception" doesn't quite cover it. "Massive angry backlash" makes more sense.
  3. I blame this more on Battlefront 2 than I do on there being women in the game.
  4. "Stop pointing out when I say things that contradict what I said earlier!!! " Deeno
  5. It's called "Halo Infinite", it's billed as open world, and it doesn't have a 6 in the title. Temper your expectations, because given what every other publisher this gen is doing, it looks like a GaaS title.
  6. There's nothing wrong with Deeno's room. Not until you combine it with Deeno's personality.
  7. I needed something to symbolize Deeno Math™, so i slapped some math on his picture. He has a history of pulling numbers out of his ass to convince himself xbox isn't losing, and he keeps getting it wrong.
  8. That's the difference between you and me, Deeno. I can survive on other forums because I'm not a dumb racist piece of shit. You're gonna have problems, tho. Dat subtle burn.
  9. Only you would think a president who has a handler chasing him to get him back on stage, like a child, is showing strength.
  10. Deeno, that video went so far over your head that I don't think NASA could get it back.
  11. We all know Deeno is going to avoid the NPD thread. The question now is: will he avoid his own threads? Yes. Yes he will.
  12. He's multiple times worse. Reagan fulfilled basic requirements of the office (i.e. he fully staffed the Department of State). Trump still hasn't done that. The only positions Trump as filled are federal judges, and my guess is that he's not the one doing the filling. McConnell is.
  13. Found the graph, but it doesn't depict indictments of administration officials, just indictments by investigation: So this may not be as helpful because it includes all of the Russians indicted by Mueller so far.
  14. It's because they rushed it out for that sweet, sweet holiday mini console money.
  15. I'll try to find the updated graph, but let's just say he's attempting a world record speed run.
  16. Yeah. The president nominates everyone of importance in the Executive branch. They have to be confirmed by the senate, though.
  17. He was the last honest Republican: Dude deserves respect on that alone.
  18. Conservatives circle the wagons on sexual assault violations. Liberals take the allegations seriously. See Al Franken versus Trump/Roy Moore/Kavanaugh. The end result is that, because conservatives aren't ashamed to have alleged rapists in their ranks, the allegations are seen as hurdles instead of career-enders.
  19. Man, I hope this controls like a dream. The controls in Revelations 2 were kinda floaty, and if I'mma have an immortal neckbeard in a fedora chasing my ass through the police station, I don't want to be fighting with the controls to get away.
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