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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Exclusive by lemcel standards.
  2. Firstly, you have no idea how much it's sold total. Nobody does, because Microsoft stopped releasing those numbers, because Xbone is underperforming. Badly. Secondly, lolz. Oh sure, xbone is ahead. It's a useless metric since it started three years prior, but if that helps you sleep when Switch wipes the floor with Xbone, and yourself by extension, this holiday season*, then you do you, pal. *Includes Christmas.
  3. Deeno's trying to argue semantics. This is the only thing he's said that matters:
  4. Deeno's wrong so often that he makes Aza reconsider his position.
  5. Watch the video at the 36 second mark. It's like they cut his fingers off in the PS2 version. It's weird because, like I said, there's nothing this game is doing that PS2 can't handle.
  6. Avenatti got arrested for domestic violence, Vini gloats because Avenatti's not in Vini's tribe, Avanetti's ex wives dispute that it was them making the accusation, Jacob Wohl takes credit for the accusation (dumbass that tried to make up a false rape allegation against Mueller), Jacob Wohl rescends taking credit for the allegation, Avanetti gets out on bail and claims innocence, Vini continues to gloat about...something, we're not sure, Vini and Jerry get on the merry-go-round.
  7. I didn't realize how much they downgraded the PS2 version. It's not like the PS2 couldn't handle the game.
  8. Vini thinks the Mueller investigation is a wash despite indicting and flipping four of Trump's top campaign officials. His sense of justice is contingent on who is in office.
  9. Wait, didn't Deeno say X was going to get pushed past Switch in November? If it couldn't beat Switch in October with the RDR2 launch, just what in the hell is going to push it past Switch in November? Serious question.
  10. But if Lemming Exclusive™ RDR2 can't push xbone sales past switch, what can?
  11. So nobody in the Era threads are talking about how xbone is doing.
  12. The goalposts always move. Remember how collusion used to be between Trump's campaign and Russia? They gave up on that after four of Trump's top campaign officials, including the guy who ran his campaign for the first 5 months (Manafort), his former NatSec advisor (Flynn), the 2nd in command to the guy who ran his campaign for 5 months (Gates), and a dude with multiple Russian Oligarch connections (Papadopoulos) all got flipped and plead guilty to crimes by the Mueller investigation. Not only that, but the asset forfeiture from nailing Manafort literally paid for the entire inves
  13. Jessus you and Vini are a couple of dumb fucks. An indictment is a formal charge of a serious crime. If you plead guilty, there's no reason to be indicted because you already admitted to the crime. Already answered this in the piece you quoted. If you don't like it, tough.
  14. Slow Johnny and I have had this conversation multiple times. He forgets about the list every time. Because Slow Johnny.
  15. Quick reminder: the only reason it stopped at the 2 year point is because Nixon resigned and was pardoned by Ford. Since all of Nixon's crimes were at the federal level, this effectively killed any indictments he may have received. Trump, on the other hand, already has multiple state investigations against him. There's blood in the water. Dude's going down one way or another.
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