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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. There have been 35 indictments by Mueller's investigation. Thirty. Five. We're so far past the point of turning up nothing that I feel sorry that you'd even try this line of attack again. It's embarrassing.
  2. I said being president was the only thing keeping him from going to prison. $413 million in tax fraud is the tip of the iceberg. There's also Campaign Finance Fraud, Conspiracy against the United States, and Obstruction of Justice. All those things we've talking about that you Trumpets hand-wave away because you're under the impression that he's your lord and savior, even though you're too chicken shit to out and say you like him.
  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-10-03/nyc-is-looking-to-recoup-any-unpaid-trump-taxes-mayor-says
  4. Not even being able to hit a score that matches your game title.
  5. You haven't been paying attention. At all. Why are none of the lemmings paying attention when they show up and start spouting bullshit? https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html $413 million in tax fraud. Trump's going to try to do everything he can not to lose power because it's literally the only thing keeping him from going to prison. Stormy Daniels won't even be a blip on his radar.
  6. Not me. Square was great on SNES, and Crono Trigger is probably the best game they ever made, but the sheer number of great games on PS1 shits all over their SNES days.
  7. Nah, that's just mean. Just ban him for like some weird-ass amount of time to keep him guessing. Like banned for 10 total hours, but it's a random hour of the day each day for 10 days.
  8. What would happen if we banned Aza if 2019 doesn't pan out? I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just asking questions.
  9. Well this comment aged well, d'n'it?
  10. You're misreading him. He's not talking about the people Mueller has indicted. He's talking about the false rape allegation that was pulled completely out of Jacob Wohl's ass against Mueller.
  11. It's been three and a half years since FFVII remake was announced, and they still don't know what direction they want to take it in. Let's not give Squeenix the benefit of the doubt here in terms of release dates, shall we?
  12. Just wait for the NPD threads. You can make all of your points unopposed there because Deeno won't show up.
  13. They call Jerry a retard, but they keep responding. How many times you gotta fall for bait from a "retard" until you consider maybe he's not the only retard in the conversation? This is why I always give lemcels the last word.
  14. Avanetti gets credit for bringing Cohen down and indirectly making Trump an unindicted co-conspirator of campaign finance violations. Outside of that, he's just the right blowhard at the right time. If the dude goes down, nothing changes. Cohen's already talking to Mueller.
  15. Don't act like you didn't defend Jacob Wohl.
  16. No they wouldn't. Nintendo still releases directs during E3. All eyes are on the conferences, then, no matter the form they take. They're not going to forgo that just for shits'n'giggles.
  17. For what? If he's guilty, he goes to jail. Not everybody defends criminals just because they're on their own team, Vini.
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