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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. How are those xbox exclusi....LMAO I can't even finish the question.
  2. You chose a Japanese game to be representative of PC gaming?
  3. Actual voter fraud in America is rare. It's never affected the outcome of an election to my knowledge. Voter purging and disenfranchisement, on the other hand, works wonders for GOP.
  4. He probably will 'cause Texas. But at least I won't be caught dead supporting Ted fuckni' Cruz.
  5. Considering Deeno's track record, I'm feelin' pretty confident.
  6. PoE is leagues better than D3 if and only if you can get over the initial hurdle. And it's a doozy.
  7. There still hasn't been a Sony-developed shooter that's come close to the original Halo, sooo...
  8. Sony's used to being the leader in the console space where they can have two years of 3rd party flop after flop and they'd still get full 3rd party support. They didn't realize this didn't extend to the Vita.
  9. Nah. Halo was an expertly designed console shooter. It started going to shit when it tried to remake itself in CoD's image to chase that-there call of duty money. If Halo returned to just being Halo, it would go back to being its own 10ish million-selling franchise. That's the hope with Halo Infinite. Everyone keeps saying Halo 5 is it, but ever video I watch I'm just like...that ain't it.
  10. Can one of the mods do us a solid and link Deeno's post in the OP so that we can all see what a retard he's calling himself?
  11. Oh my bad, I read you wrong. Thought you were saying D3 wasn't dumbed down and I was all like
  12. D3 was dumbed down as fuck compared to D2. Th'fuck you smokin', Casual?
  13. As it goddamned well should be. Halo 3 was the last great Halo. It was a slow descent into shit from there.
  14. I'd say they didn't want to take away from the Diablo III port sales, but let's be honest: this mobile game is going to absolutely bury that port in revenue.
  15. Symphonia was the only one I ever reallly enjoyed playing. Even then I never finished it.
  16. Deeno getting raped has become so normal to him that it's happening to him in games now, too.
  17. Can we go ahead and screenshot and archive his posts on the topic? It'd be great if we can start localizing Deeno's backfired statements to single threads to condense the ownage.
  18. She gives direct examples of how the "same" race(s) changed throughout American history to benefit the needs of the political elite. That's what "social construct" means: it's defined by society. Also, let's count down until Deeno shows up to argue black people aren't people.
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