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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Prolly should've done this in time for Halloween.
  2. For the same reason EA doesn't get a faction.
  3. What black markets? What in the fuck are you talking about?
  4. The thread's still on the front page, son! You were wrong twice in one post!
  5. PUBG and Sunset Overdrive. You're 0 for 2, Deeno. Sit down and shut up while you have the chance on this one.
  6. He's been avoiding both this and the Sunset Overdrive ESRB Rating thread. And he's STILL making predictions about X0.
  7. Firstly, quit pinging Cookster to come bail you out. That's straight baby back Bitch-Made. Second, black markets? What? The fuck are you even talking about?
  8. Of-fucking-course MCC is coming. They didn't put that much goddamned work into it just for the 1X audience. That's retarded. They put that much work into it for the PC audience.
  9. Deeno doesn't understand that even if MS just up and pulls 5 new games out of its ass, it won't matter because you still won't need a filthy xbone to play them.
  10. That's because Science has advanced, but White Supremacy hasn't.
  11. Nothing wrong with them, but c'mon...they don't add much to the system wars.
  12. Not just his predictions, but his crazy shit, too. Dude thinks the moon landing was faked and the MAGABomber was a false flag.
  13. If it's anything like Subspace Emissary...long as fuck.
  14. Infinitely better than subspace emissary. Trying to turn smash into a platformer was a bad idea, but this setup looks like it cuts the bullshit that SSE had and leaves the fighting.
  15. I mean, what's the point when you'll be able to get a PS4 AND Spiderman AND RDR2 for the same price?
  16. Those fire sales are a good deal. Slow Johnny will be able to buy his 5th xbox due to those. He can afford it due to all the games he's not buying.
  17. Yes. We've spoken about this in the politics thread. Twice.
  18. No, I want comprehensive gun control, which will take shape after we start allowing the CDC to study gun violence. You would know this if you read literally any of my posts on the subject, including in discussions I've had with you in the past. Literally in this thread:
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