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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Rumor said there were two directs, the first being for Smash, on the horizon before this one got announced. There's likely another one coming this month.
  2. The data shows that the number of violent people who get through is not high enough to affect us as a country in any significant way. If you're worried about MS13, then here's a real solution: kill the drug war, kill their funding. All the huh-bub about immigration that you're hearing isn't worry about violent crime. It's worry about changing demographics. GOP can't win elections when the white majority is shrinking into a minority, so their play is to demonize non-white people. There is a reason you don't hear about Canadians overstaying their work visas and green cards, but L
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/03/30/upshot/crime-immigration-myth.html
  4. With the announcement of the deal, here are other deals coming soon: Sony: $200 PS4 Slim w/ Spiderman - this one's going to absolutely murder in the NPD and the Switch bundles $400 PS4 Pro w/ RDR2 $249 PSVR Bundle with Move Controllers, Creed: Rise to Glory and Superhot VR Nintendo: $400 Pokemon Let's Go w/ pokeball controller Switch bundle $360 Smash Bros Switch bundle $360 Mario Tennis Aces Switch bundle $360 Diablo III Switch bundle $300 Fornite Switch bundle Xbox:
  5. This looks fucking great. What're you guys smoking? It's nailed that cartoony look of the PS1/N64 era perfectly.
  6. Everybody knows the troops aren't able to do much. That's the point. It's theatre to get republicans all riled up about those damn dirty illegals coming to the border to take our jerbs and rape our wimmenz. It's transparent to anyone whose not already indoctrinated in the church of Fox News.
  7. My disgust at the Wii U is well documented and widely known. Xbone is giving it a serious run for its money. I mean at least the Wii U had the goddamned dignity to die before it embarrassed itself any further.
  8. Trump admin just sent 5200 troops to the border to handle a bunch of poor unarmed people in a migrant caravan that are 2 months from getting to our border, and then Trump threatened to end birthright citizenship via executive order. Know a dog whistle when you see one, Cook.
  9. I said Fortnite was going to be huge on Switch when it launched at E3. Not sure anyone noticed I said anything because I didn't even get laughed at, lol.
  10. He even tried to copy my joke in response. You never go full "NO UUUUU", son.
  11. Do we have numbers for MHGU Switch? It says robust sales, but we have no idea what those are. I'm sure they're relative to expectations.
  12. His answer was "la la la la those numbers don't real!!! "
  13. Watching all of the lemmings slowly transition away from xbox has been entertaining.
  14. That would imply he actually raped someone at some point. Lemcels never rape anyone.
  15. I do believe that MH will continue on Switch, though. The japanese sales alone warrant further entries. But let's not kid ourselves: MHW = MH5.
  16. The only thing you're succeeding at is building up an immunity to being laughed at in sales threads.
  17. Deeno is the ultimate participation athlete. No matter how many times he fails, he just keeps on trying.
  18. If a 2D level editor makes Deeno's head spin, you gotta wonder what Dreams on PS4 does. Maybe that's why he believes all the conspiracy theories.
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