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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Well yeah, she had a baby. That's what happens. She's lost 42 lbs so far and still going strong.
  2. Here's an argument for starting a family earlier: the people who started families in their mid-twenties are going to have their kids out of their house before they're 50 years old. The longer you wait, the less of your twilight years will be spent enjoying retirement because you'll have to support your kids in some way well past their 18th birthday.
  3. Slow Johnny sure does like to criticize other people for being in relationships, but I've never seen him talk about his own.
  4. 6 pages, 115+ replies. All because Smollett is innocent. Hook. Line. Sinker.
  5. I know I gave you shit about Crackdown 3. I went in too hard. My bad.
  6. You're not mad at me, you're mad at Path of Exile. I forgive you!
  7. Don't mind him. He's still salty that you'll be playing every single Halo game this year.
  8. Good idea. The sights are a wonder to behold, but the drive in between...talk about volcanic desert.
  9. I see the triggering has started early.
  10. This game is great for 3 reasons: 1. It's the true spiritual successor to D2. 2. It's got a depth of character building that is completely unrivaled in the genre. 3. The passive skill tree doesn't have an easy mode for Slow Johnny.
  11. I've been to three out of four of those images. Spend a few days in Reykjavik; it's a neat city and there's a lot of cool shit to explore and find. Also it's a socialist country, so you can bring back stories about how it's not Venezuela to trigger the incels.
  12. Deeno's fuggin' stalking us! I fuckin' knew it!
  13. Where on the doll did Jesse Smollett touch you? We can enter it into evidence and then throw it away and exonerate him.
  14. There's nothing more incel than going to bat for Jacob Wohl.
  15. My god the butthurt in here is stronger than the Gillette thread. It looks like Smollett...is the best these incels can get.
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