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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. I know it's hard, what with all the conspiracy theories taking up space, but at least try to use your head, Deeno. It's not like there haven't been level editors that have solved this problem for decades now.
  2. I'ma wait and see. I've heard the console version >>>> the PC version because no RMAH, but even then I'm still lukewarm on it.
  3. You're goddamned retarded if you think a 3D Mario game has anywhere near the pull as either Pokemon or Smash.
  4. And it's going to get worse. The Pokemon/Smash combo is going to destroy last year's sales.
  5. 10 million in sales of MHW = that's MH5 now, naming convention be damned.
  6. This holiday season* is going to be very uncomfortable for you. *That include Christmas.
  7. Oh god. This is even more hilarious. You're talking about a single player building then playing what they just built? That's your hypothetical? That's where the big issue is coming from? Mother fucker just switch screens between build mode and play mode. Goddamn, son.
  8. November 1st for the Smash Bros direct: https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/11-01-2018/
  9. Are you serious right now? Use touch for handheld mode, use controller for docked mode, upload the levels for others to download and play. Two players on one switch with one building the level and the other playing it in docked mode = easy as fuck. You're making up an extremely niche hypothetical that nobody is going to give a shit about and using that to argue against the value of an entire game.
  10. Is Fire Emblem big? I don't know what the 3DS versions sold, but since they weren't gloated about, i figured they were moderate successes (like 3 million max or something).
  11. And just so we don't have any confusion, these are fiscal year goals for Nintendo. Meaning the 20 million they want to sell would happen through March 2019, not through December. And now we sit and patiently wait for someone to ignore this. EDIT: Also, for the same time period last year (Q3-Q4), Nintendo sold 10.16 million switches. So they gotta make up about 4 million to hit their 20 million mark. The difference this year is that their software output is insanely more popular this year than last. Smash + Pokemon is going to destroy SMO + Xenoblade 2 + Bayo ports.
  12. Why would any normal person have this issue when they can just both play on the TV? EDIT: You're speaking of the help mode where someone taps on the screen to make platforms?
  13. Are you making up a scenario where player 1 wants to play undocked and player 2 wants to play docked and they flip flop back and forth? And you believe that's how normal people would behave in this scenario?
  14. And it's the same thread over and over again, just like Forza.
  15. Splatoon 2 is up to 7.47 million copies sold: Splatoon (WiiU) - 4.94mSplatoon 2 (NSW) - 7.47mSplatoon 2 last quarter - 710k The last reported numbers we had for Halo 5 were 5 million.
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