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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. There's that "both sides" bullshit again. Just say it with me now: Radical. Right-wing. Terrorism.
  2. I believe that people who wear blackface intended to do so.
  3. The feminists are out to get you. They're at your door. They're in your internets. They're gonna call you sexist and racist and there's nothing you can do about it. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  4. Didn't take much to get you to defend black face, did it? Just had to make you afraid of some feminists.
  5. I've got it on Steam, but honestly I'd much rather play it on a handheld (so long as gyro is supported, because this game wouldn't work as well with just dual-analog). It's literally a build-engine game, but with updates to the engine. For example, perspective now works when you look up and down, lol.
  6. It's legal. Just buy an edible.
  7. I think we need to stop the flow of lemmings coming into gaming forums until we can figure out what the hell is going on.
  8. This argument is fucking annoying. As if the sheer volume of bullshit that comes out of the GOP's mouth doesn't dwarf the tiny amount coming out of the Dems mouths. It's like seeing the pile of dinosaur shit from Jurassic Park, pointing at a dog turd 10 feet away, and saying "both sides".
  9. Wouldn't the fact that they're BC games make them inherently unexclusive?
  10. Ohsnaps, that reminds me, I gotta update mine.
  11. Slow Johnny asked me what exclusives I was playing. I told him Octopath, then asked what exclusives he was playing. He didn't answer. He never answers. Wonder why that is?
  12. And Gavin McInnes was a co-founder of Vice. Now he's the alt-right leader of the Proud Boys that once stuck a stick up his own asshole on camera to own the libs. Where they started doesn't really matter compared to where they are now. Dave Rubin is paid by the Koch brothers because he pushes their ideas. They don't pay people who push opposing ideas. It's as simple as that.
  13. So far in last place the only console it's outselling is itself.
  14. It's Dave Rubin. I don't need to watch to get the gist of what he's peddling.
  15. Ain't no resolution for the Coochie-Contusion.
  16. Honestly, who gives a shit? It's a PS4/xbone game running on a handheld 1/20th of those systems' size.
  17. I'mma take the time to mention that DC controller only had one analog stick. You can likely play all DC games on a single joycon. DC-style multiplayer all day.
  18. SW talking about Resetera is like the lonely goth virgin making fun of the popular girl who has her pick of the boys. Sure, there's plenty to criticize, but at some point you just gotta admit that goth kid is straight pining over her ass.
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