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Everything posted by McWicked

  1. Agent Smith was "the many". He's clearly a virtual embodiment of sin, with Neo being Jesus. That's why Smith infects everyone (i.e. we're all sinners), and Neo has to die to eradicate him ('cause Jesus or some shit).
  2. Rescinding this last part as I went looking for the interview that he said it in. Chuck has spoken about what is now considered "toxic masculinity", but he rejects the term. The term and what he was touching on are sort of...compatible? Adjacent? But not the same, and not what he was writing about in Fight Club.
  3. Neo wasn't trans. Switch was. The studio made the Wachowskis pull back on Switch's character in the movie because, in the real world, she was a dude, but in the Matrix, she was the character you see in the final cut. That's why her name was "Switch". Maybe the Matrix Online retconned Neo or whatever, but the original clearly wasn't written to make Neo trans when one of his allies clearly was. The bit about Fight Club is 100% true. Chuck Palahniuk talks about it, though he doesn't use the term "toxic masculinity" because it wasn't invented yet.
  4. This is par for the Deeno course. Back when he refused to believe MCC was busted, I quoted a MS spokesperson saying they were working to fix the game. That fix became the re-launch of MCC that hit recently. Deeno ignored it. Deeno's delusional.
  5. Ah yes, I'm sure the core reason Activision didn't release one of the most beloved games of all time is because they were afraid of offending the one platform holder that they weren't releasing games for. 'Cause that makes sense. Or...OR...now bear with me here, 'cause this is where it gets hairy: OR Nintendo really does own some piece of the original product that makes a remaster legally nonviable. ... Naaahhhh. It's totes 'cause they didn't want to hurt Iwata's feewings.
  6. That explains it. The Prim is full of eldtrich creatures, and the Dark Tower is the spine of all of King's writings. If you want the most blatant example, then read IT. Pennywise basically is a love letter to Lovecraft.
  7. If you can't see the influence of Lovecraft in King's depiction of a cosmic space turtle reaching across wheres and whens to influence the actions of mortals, then I don't know what to tell ya, chief.
  8. Sounds to me like you're not interested in having an honest discussion 'cause you mad.
  9. Performance is better than the original and it's on a handheld. Let's be honest here, you're not playing Dark Souls Remastered for the visuals.
  10. Can I purchase only 1/3rd of the game for 1/3rd of the price? No? Then what's the point?
  11. Not all, but lovecraft is a major influence of the dark tower series.
  12. Probably. But Lovecraft wasn't just racist for his time. He was exceptionally racist for his time. Check these out: https://books.google.com/books?id=9bvky2rFTZMC&lpg=PA109&dq=lovecraft anti-semitism racism letters&pg=PA109#v=onepage&q&f=false That's photocopies of his own wife calling him out for being too racist. Here's another where Sonia reminds him that she's one of the ones he hates, and he gives her the good ole "you're one of the good ones" responses: https://books.google.com/books?id=Wk5ixOCy4eMC&l
  13. LMAO if you can't see it in his writings it's because of willfull ignorance. Ain't nobody here challenging his legacy. I'm just calling it like I see it. Sorry that hurts your feelings. Speaking of buthurt. Now are you mad because I Lovecraft wrote a bunch of racist shit, or are you mad that I told you that he wrote a bunch of racist shit? Sounds like you're more offended at being called racist than actually being racist.
  14. It's this attitude that makes you perfect for modship.
  15. Heh, yeah guiz, just a hypothetical, not puttin' feelers or anything out there, heh...just a bunch of straight guys using our imaginations, that's all....heh.
  16. If GD ain't taking it, then I nominate the following: Kaz - because he's the least biased guy on here. I still don't know wtf he even plays. Voidler - because he'll only moderate you if you dis Rocket League, and nobody here talks about Rocket League. Bhytre - he's probably the only lemming that's made me laugh.
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