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System Warrior
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Everything posted by sixbeat

  1. MK is just a gimmick. Without that shitty blood effect, that game is nothing but a heaping steaming pile of pieces of shit. Not to mention its gimmicky replacement of "C" with "K". :cillzone:
  2. I bet all the MK fankids got really angry about that. Too bad they can't make an counter video that is even close to the quality of MK vs SF, because they are all unskilled hicks that jerk off to pixelated blood in a shitty fighting game. Bu but teh street fighter fans should have let Scorpion win what is that crap doing in this DOA thread anyway...Gamegenie lmfao :D Nobody gives a shit about MK so there are never any threads about it and that results in him invading threads like these trying to make MK buddies. We all know how that shit turned out this time.
  3. I bet all the MK fankids got really angry about that. Too bad they can't make an counter video that is even close to the quality of MK vs SF, because they are all unskilled hicks that jerk off to pixelated blood in a shitty fighting game. Bu but teh street fighter fans should have let Scorpion win what is that crap doing in this DOA thread anyway...Gamegenie lmfao :D I know. Seriously, gamegenie, stop butting in this thread. This thread is all about dogs and DoA.
  4. It will be funny to see this thread over 1,000 post. :D
  5. Tekken > MK. It's all you need to know about this thread.
  6. Notice how just about everyone highlighted that retarded movie argument from TheGee.
  7. that punk is a fucking wigger wow. :shakes: Lemmkids "Quit being so gay!" -Typical XBL Quote:killzone:
  8. sheep act as if they had a real fighter on the GC:] What is this game? SSB? Please, do not say SSB:D SSB :D:D Yep, GC was a joke:] TSHBR! Good thing those filthy sheep has been banned. They might have added more trash to this thread full of steaming pile of shit.
  9. sheep act as if they had a real fighter on the GC:] What is this game? SSB? Please, do not say SSB:D SSB :D:D
  10. Filthy Lemmkids only had DoA the entirety of the Xbox. What the fuck are they so proud of? TLHBO.
  11. Take your filthy damage control out of here, bhytre. :shakes:
  12. I had the PC version of VF. It owned. I use to play it all the time with my brothers.
  13. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. LAWL, Devo ran away from this thread and created another one. He thinks he found out some golden recipe for potent flamebait, but he doesn't realise this thread is still here because of the lemming rape. T
  14. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki Pimpleface makes these games as masturbation material for himself. LAWL, Devo ran away from this thread and created another one.
  15. Lawl @ itagaki using cheap tricks like adding masterchief to please the lemmings. He knows DoA is shit, but he doesn't care since he will get the lemkids money anyway and there is no other fighter on the system to stop him. Rofl @ him running to xbox, because he couldn't handle the competition on the PS2. Zitagaki
  16. Lemmkids should just quit playing DoA and just fap to DoAX. I know I would.
  17. True Indeed, it is true. Don't change what you said now, slappy that's what i read on the original post too he probably edited it or its just that i'm too tired and can't read well You can't read well, neither of you can. Changing quotes won't help you. You already got massively raped earlier. The damage control gates closed way back in the early pages. It's no longer worth it to argue with a beaten dog.
  18. All the sheep went to bed Its past their 7:00pm bedtime curfew All the sheep are banned.
  19. True Indeed, it is true. Don't change what you said now, slappy that's what i read on the original post too he probably edited it or its just that i'm too tired and can't read well
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