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Posts posted by Powie



    mike or anyone whos played it: how far am i in Batman AO?


    just got to the mansion after bane attacked it. i hope my boy alfred ain't dead

    probably half way or a little less. Then again my sense of time in that game is kinda odd since I did alot of side stuff.



    the last level is actually right after that :ben:


    anyway i think overall i preferred the game to Arkham City. The levels are just more interesting thematically and i found the story overall to be better as well. It felt really short though and my steam time reflects that (14 hours vs AC's 23).


    I still think the combat is no fun at all so for that reason alone i can't rate it higher than a 7/10.


    lmfao, yeah like I mentioned I did alot of side stuff and got the other villians :ben:




    watching you post about these games makes me wish we would get another IGA CV :(


    He needs to come back for a Julius Belmont CV game, but to be honest I'd rather see a new Classicvania.


    Finally someone that is a bit fed up metroidvania.... I really want another one of those. LOS is the closest to one in a while, but the metroidvania fanboys keep crying about it.



    Nah, Lords of Shadow isn't anything like Classicvania. Wanna know why? It's a really telling thing; platforming and combat sections are separate from each other in Lords of Shadow. That distinction is even more apparent in Mirror of Fate.


    But I've said this plenty of times before, I am a Castlevania fan. I have a fondness for all the games, even the ones that try to be different but fall short. Castlevania is a series united by a backdrop of monsters and myths, but it's also about ideas pulling it in all kinds of different directions.


    I'm not sick of Metroidvania really, I'm sick of Metroidvania fans who are arguably the most vocal and repugnant fanboys around. If I had my way, we'd still see classic and metroidvania releases today, I don't believe one format is laid to rest when another is launched.


    I think that must be what people thought of Lords of Shadow, that it had killed metroidvania somehow. If not when it was announced, surely after it creped onto the 3DS where fans had assumed IGA would be debuting his latest MV. 


    Lords of Shadow has been fun though. The main series needed a break anyway. The timeline is pretty crowded now, and there was only so long they could keep reusing sprites from as early as Castlevania IV. If older CV styles come back, let them come back afresh and new, because that's what the series does best; evolves.


    Hmm I've actually never though of it from that angle, and now that you mentioned it.. I can't help but notice that to . My favourite CV game is SC4, and while I like metroidvania, as you stated, the fans are just the worst. What I don't get is that they don't realize metroidvania itself was a departure from the original formula but always talk what is a "real" CV game and what isn't. Also I agree with the timeline, I've pretty much given up trying to follow wtf is going on lol... 

    Lastly though I will say, while I enjoyed LOS, I felt that they monster designs weren't on par with the other games. There's a certain lack of grotesqueness that the others had that isn't there in LOS.


    watching you post about these games makes me wish we would get another IGA CV :(


    He needs to come back for a Julius Belmont CV game, but to be honest I'd rather see a new Classicvania.


    Finally someone that is a bit fed up metroidvania.... I really want another one of those. LOS is the closest to one in a while, but the metroidvania fanboys keep crying about it.

  4. I agree with the scale of the war, it would have been nice to see what the other races were doing. Of course the main problem was the game has always been a corridor shooter with sparse numbers of combatants at any time, so the scale has never and was never going to be huge.


    To be honest, I felt weird about the ending at first, but what I otherwise expected was a schlocky generic ending anyway. The bigger missions preceding the end were what brought the most closure to me.

    Same, but that was more so because I was invested in the characters rather than the overall story.  Closing out parts of the story with the characters was much better than the ending. That's part of the reason I hated 3 though, the squad selection was truly abysmal and they reduced quite a few characters to simple cameos.



    I love teh easter eggs :happysad:

    Yeah, the game is good. Great amount of content as well. I am glad they made the boss fights alot better.


    Yeah. And the crime scene things don't do much for you gameplay wise, but I feel like they're a really good touch. I love seeing Batman get in it and do his detective shit, and I feel like it adds onto the story. Feel like some shit straight out of the comic book.


    lol I was thinking the same thing to, the crime scenes are pretty interesting. I like the dialogue from all the major criminals after you beat them to. 

  6. Played Wolf Among Us episode 1. They expanded on the mechanics in TWD but the structure is the same.. the game has nice atmosphere and so far a good plot. Can't really comment on the story since I've only played one episode, but I will say this time the choices are tougher and do feel like they have consequences unlike TWD, where most felt very superficial. I really like the characters as well, the twist they put on characters we already know was really good.


    Also just got done with Dark Souls 2 beta. It wasn't the best thing ever but I really enjoyed it. I should be getting GTA5 tomorrow, so that will probably be the next thing I play.


    Finished TLOU, if I had to give it a score it would be 8.5, I didn't like winter very much.

    really? Too scripted for you? It was the point in the game where I was like "yup, this game is fucking amazing" but it does push you along a quite a quick pace. There's a lot of urgency to that entire section of the story.


    Nah it wasn't the scripting, but as retarded as this sounds, I felt it had too much action. I really liked summer the most.



    I had enough of Alan Wake. Terrible game. 90% walking with the occasional possessed hatchet guy or floating barrels attacking you. Oh wait a flock of crows. My God this game suck. It's obvious the game is meant for the story but damn the story is terrible. It's not interesting at all. Fuck this game. I'm sending it back to Gamefly. I'm moving onto......TLOU which was given toe as a gift :datass:

    It got Xbox'd. It was originally supposed to be an open world game and all that jazz (you can actually see traces of this in some of the levels) but the xbox struck again!



    No, Remedy just made a bland and boring game that was more about showcasing it's tech instead of being a well designed and entertaining game. This becomes completely obvious after spending an hour with the game. Xbox had nothing to do with Alan Wake sucking, Remedy just isn't that good of a developer.


    I was half joking, but we can't really expect a game to take such a dramatic shift in direction and still be good. 

  9. I had enough of Alan Wake. Terrible game. 90% walking with the occasional possessed hatchet guy or floating barrels attacking you. Oh wait a flock of crows. My God this game suck. It's obvious the game is meant for the story but damn the story is terrible. It's not interesting at all. Fuck this game. I'm sending it back to Gamefly. I'm moving onto......TLOU which was given toe as a gift :datass:

    It got Xbox'd. It was originally supposed to be an open world game and all that jazz (you can actually see traces of this in some of the levels) but the xbox struck again!

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