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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Powie


    None of you felt that the favela ran too long?

    nope, that section is my favorite part of the game. 


    I think you are still traumatized by those CoD levels. 


    I don't play COD, but prior to that they were doing a great job changing up the locales within brazil. Office, nightclub, stadium, swamp and then.. favela, favela, favela, then they went to the warehouse/airport.


    The later brazil levels of Max Payne 3 killed the game for me. Especially with the brilliance of the levels set in NJ.

    I love the favela levels. The atmosphere is great.


    I liked it at first but it dragged on way too long. The police level was good, but the favela, warehouse/swamp and airport didn't do much for me.



    Panama was great, but did I miss something btw? What were the mercs looking for on the boat? The money Passos and the other douche were smuggling away?

    Drugs and money I think, IIRC they were tearing down the walls of the boat in order to find the stuff.

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